What Does The Hourglass Mean on Snapchat | Learn The New Lingo Now!

What Does the Hourglass Mean on Snapchat? Learn The New Lingo Now!

Snapchat is a platform that encourages user interaction, and they have introduced unique features on the platform. Based on the communication on the platform, Snapchatters get a new emoji on their account. Based on that, users question What Does the Hourglass Mean on Snapchat? If you know the answer, great; if not, I have an entire article designed on this.

You may go through the article below; apart from the hourglass, you will also find the meaning of new emojis on the platform. To get the latest information regarding them, keep scrolling to know more.

What does the Hourglass Mean on Snapchat?

What Does the Hourglass Mean on Snapchat?

You get the hourglass emoji beside the fire emoji on Snapchat. When you see the hourglass emoji, you have to react fast. Otherwise, your streak will end. So, are you wondering how much time you have?

The hourglass icon appears on your account when the Snapstreak timer reaches the twentieth hour since your last snap exchange. Hence, you and your friend have four hours to try and continue the streak before it ends.

So, if you want the hourglass emoji to disappear, exchange snaps right away or wait for the streak to end. To get more clarity on the Hourglass icon on Snapchat, you have to understand what Snapstreak is.

What is a Snapstreak?

What Is a Snapstreak?

When you exchange a snap with another user on the platform for a minimum of three consecutive days, you will start a Snapstreak. After that, you get a fire emoji next to your username.

If you wish to maintain the streak, you must exchange snaps once every 24 hours. Each one has to send snaps for the streak to continue. This is a fun way to encourage users to use the app regularly.

You get to see a number beside the fire emoji, the number of days the streak has been going on. If you don’t exchange snaps for 24 hours, the streak end, and the fire emoji disappears.

What does the 100 Icon Next to a Snapstreak Mean?

What does the 100 Icon Next to a Snapstreak Mean?

You have exchanged snaps with that user for one hundred consecutive days then you notice the ‘100’ icon next to anyone’s username. To appreciate your dedication to the platform, Snapchat awards you with a ‘100’ emoji on your Snapstreak.

How to Maintain Snapstreak?

To maintain your streak on Snapchat, you must keep exchanging snaps. Snaps that are messages you make using the camera button are only considered snaps for streaks. Pictures and video recordings only count toward your Snapstreak, while text and voice messages do not. Snap stories, spectacles, memories, and group chats are considered Snapstreak.

Watch What Does the Hourglass Mean on Snapchat?

Wrapping Up

I hope the article helped you to understand what the hourglass means on Snapchat. Now that you have clarity, exchange snaps with your friends, and do not get anxious when you see the Hourglass on your account. It is just ticking your time to exchange the snap with your friend.

Frequently Asked Questions

What does the Hourglass Mean on Snapchat?

The Hourglass on Snapchat refers to the limited time you have to exchange snaps with another user.

How do I get Snapstreak on my account?

When you exchange a snap with another user on Snapchat for a minimum of three consecutive days, you start a Snapstreak.

1 thought on “What Does The Hourglass Mean on Snapchat | Learn The New Lingo Now!”

  1. This is a great blog post! I’ve been using Snapchat for a while now and I’ve never really understood what all the different symbols mean. This post has really helped me to understand the different symbols and what they mean.

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