Snapchat is a go-to platform for the young generation. Every few weeks, Snapchat updates its platform to keep up with the needs of its young audience. As we head into the month of November, there is the latest update on Snapchat. To learn about the Snapchat update for November, go through this blog thoroughly.
Snapchat is introducing creator collab campaigns and tons of features with its Augmented Reality feature to enhance education. Snapchat has also introduced a way to embed Snapchat content. Snapchat is individually collaborating with many countries’ arts and history departments, like Egypt and Australia and enhancing its Augmented Reality.
So, without further ado, let’s dig in to learn about Snapchat Update For November and Snapchat’s latest update.
In This Article
What is the Snapchat Update For November?
In the month of November, Snapchat will be majorly focusing on AR and is all set to launch creator collab campaigns. In this article, we will dive in and learn about the latest features that will be incorporated in the latest update of Snapchat. We will discuss these features one by one.
1. Snapchat is Introducing Creator Collab Campaigns
Snapchat is a hub for creators, and now, much to the delight of creators, Snapchat is all set to introduce Creator Collab Campaigns; the campaign will help brands find a better way to partner and advertise with the influential creator community on Snapchat.
With Creator Discovery API in the campaign, a brand or an advertiser will get an entire creator roster for stats like name, username, bio, follower count, and age breakdown to give a better understanding of available creators across each platform. This will help users connect with brands and advertisers to connect with creators from 200 different countries in a much easier way.
2. Snapchat is Enhancing Education With Augmented Reality
Augmented Reality is the new way to connect with your friends on Snapchat. Snapchat is now embedding education in Augmented Reality to enhance the platform’s performance. Snapchat has announced that it is collaborating with ed-tech company Inspirit.
With this collaboration with Insprity, the researchers at Stanford University will bring augmented reality into classrooms across the United States to help students better grasp STEM concepts. The concept is to stimulate classroom engagement, boost confidence levels, and improve students’ self-efficacy with 25 STEM experiences for over 50 schools across the country.
3. Snapchat and the Louvre
Snapchat has unveiled “Egypt Augmented,” a series of innovative and educational augmented reality experiences to be enjoyed in the Department of Egyptian Antiquities and in the Cour Carré of the Musée du Louvre. Snap has collaborated with the Musée du Louvre to bring the augmented reality of Egypt to life by using Snap’s technologies.
The AR technology will reveal the shapes, materials, colors, and decorations of the selected work. You can experience AR technology inside the rooms of the Department of Egyptian Antiquities in
- The Naos of Amasis
- The Chamber of Ancestors
- The Dendera Zodiac
- An AR obelisk in the museum’s Cour Carrée
4. Snapchat Introduced Embed Snapchat Content Feature
Snapchat has introduced a way to web embeds for Lenses, Spotlight videos, Public Stories, and Public Profiles. You can now easily share Snapchat content in an article or website.
In order to embed Lenses, Spotlight videos, public Stories, or Profiles from Snapchat into online media:
- Copy the link in case you see a Lens or content you’d like to embed.
- Head to your browser on your computer and search on the Snapchat website.
- Tap the ‘embed’ icon in the share sheet and copy the code.
- Content will link out seamlessly to both the Snapchat website and the app
5. Snapchat’s The 2023 CitizenSnap Report
Snapchat is launching its 4th annual CitizenSnap Report. The CitizenSnap Report captures Snap’s progress toward our environmental, social, and governance (ESG) goals in 2022. In 2022 and every year, Snapchat aims to be at the forefront of challenges that the Snapchat community cares about the most, including gender equality, educational opportunities for underrepresented communities, online safety, and environmental sustainability.
Wrapping Up
Snapchat is known for its user-friendly updates and great user interface. Snapchat updates its platform quite often to keep up with the needs of the younger generation. To know about Snapchat’s new update and Snapchat November Update, read the entire article and share it with your friends.
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Frequently Asked Questions
1. What is Snapchat’s update for November 2023?
1. Snapchat is Introducing Creator Collab.
2. Snapchat Introduced Embed Snapchat Content Feature.
2. What is the CitizenSnap Report on Snapchat?
The CitizenSnap Report captures Snap’s progress toward our environmental, social, and governance (ESG) goals in 2022.