What Does IMSG Mean on TikTok & How to Use It?

What does ‘IMSG’ mean on TikTok

New day, new acronym! Every day on TikTok is a learning practice for the next viral trend and the major lingo upgradation. It is quite hard to keep up with these ever-changing languages and trends of the medium, but don’t worry, I got you! The latest new acronym has been going rounds on TikTok, many users are curious to know the meaning of the abbreviation. Here, I will tell you What Does IMSG Mean on TikTok.

So without further ado, let’s dig in to learn, What Does IMSG Mean on TikTok and its usage in the contemporary social media lingo!

What Does IMSG Mean on TikTok?

What Does IMSG Mean on TikTok & How to Use It?

According to Pimiso, IMSG on TikTok stands for Instant Message Games. It means messaging apps such as iMessage and WhatsApp that people use to play games with their friends. 

Many users modify the acronym from IMSG to IMSGs, but its meaning remains unchanged. Some users believe that the meaning of IMSG is “iMessages.”

TikTokers use the acronym as a way to get the phone number of another person. Many use the acronym to message people they like and you need a person’s number to connect with them in order to play a game.

The IMSG on TikTok has gone viral and the hashtag IMSG has over 24 million views.

How to Use IMSG on TikTok?

It is quite embarrassing to use any term on TikTok without knowing the proper context of the term or a phrase.

The term IMSG on TikTok is used when you want to know the other person’s phone number. The term has a flirty swing associated with it.

The videos under the hashtag IMSG have two users using the acronym to get people’s digits. Some videos show the active games between people or others with reaction videos to people betting on iMessage games.

Wrapping Up

TikTok is known for its ever-changing trends and the new-age lingo. Recently, many users are curious to know the meaning of the abbreviation IMSG. To know about, What Does IMSG Mean on TikTok and its usage, read the entire article and do share it with your friends!

Frequently Asked Questions

What Does IMSG Mean on TikTok?

IMSG on TikTok stands for instant message games

How to Use IMSG on TikTok?

IMSG is mostly used in flirty contexts in order to get another person’s phone number.

Is IMSG the same as iMessage?

Some users believe that the meaning of IMSG is “iMessages.”

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