Twitter Square Profile Picture: New Change For Verified Profiles

Twitter Square Profile Picture: New Change For Verified Profiles

Twitter is introducing new features on its platform. The new features Like mixed media tweets or any other would help you connect with each other. And there are certain identification marks introduced on the platform. These will help you to understand accounts or profiles, and you may even like to connect with them. The latest introduction on the platform is the Twitter Square Profile Picture.

This is one of the new introductions on Twitter as such kinds of initiatives have not been taken by any of the social media platforms ever. So, most of the users who fall into certain criteria would get to use the feature.

Hence, for more details, read Twitter Square Profile Picture. You would get to know the uses and features of the new introduction in detail. And I am sure the article will help you a lot.

What is Twitter Square Profile Picture?

Twitter Square Profile Picture

On Twitter, when you have a gold verification badge on your profile, you may be able to make a square profile picture. When you have a gold tick, it refers to your profile as a brand or an organization.

But as per the latest news, every profile will not enjoy the square look. The change in the profile picture comes a few weeks after the different tick marks for the verification were introduced on the platform.

Gold tick is for companies and brands, and blue for individuals; it includes journalists, celebrities, and others. Grey checkmarks are for the government. These changes helped other Twitter users to differentiate between the profiles.

What are the New Changes in Twitter?

Twitter Square Profile Picture

The newly introduced change on Twitter may bring problems for some brands that design their profile picture, especially for a circular shape. But if reports are to be believed, the square profile pictures are not Twitter’s only new identification tool. Very soon, a new small box beside the checkmark on a profile will also be introduced. It will be added to show the connection between one account with another.

When you click on the gold badge on one of the accounts, you will see a message telling you it is an affiliate of @Twitter on Twitter. When you click on the Support, Verified, and Blue accounts on the mini @Twitter profile picture, it directly takes you to Twitter’s official account.

User’s Reactions to Twitter Square Profile Picture Feature

Wrapping Up

The new feature of Twitter is the best thing to happen on the platform of late. Amidst all the chaos and problems going on on the platform. This may give solace to some users. So, this was all about Twitter Square Profile Picture. Anyhow if you have the verifies badge on your profile, try using the new feature. And always stay glued to the app for more news on interesting stuff!

Frequently Asked Questions

What is the Twitter square profile picture?

On Twitter, when you have a gold verification badge on your profile, you may be able to make a Square profile picture. When you have a gold tick, it refers to your profile as a brand or an organization.

What are the different colors of ticks on the platform, and what do they imply?

Gold tick is for companies and brands, and blue for individuals; it includes journalists, celebrities, and others. Grey checkmarks are for the government.

What are the other new changes on Twitter?

The other changes on Twitter are a new smaller box beside the checkmark on a profile will also be introduced. It will be added to show the connection between one account with another.

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