How to Follow Hashtags on Mastodon in 4 Easy Steps?

how to follow hashtags on mastodon

So you are wondering how to follow hashtags on Mastodon? Well, you have come to the right place. Mastodon is a decentralized social media platform that’s all about connecting with people who share your interests. And one of the best ways to do that is by following hashtags.

You’ll find 4-5 different timelines on any Mastodon instance. One of the most exciting ones is the explore timeline, where all the popular hashtags reside. It’s like a hub for all the trending topics, giving you a chance to see what’s hot and buzzing in the Mastodon community. So, if you are eager to join the conversation or simply want to stay in the loop, this hashtag timeline is a fantastic place to start.

But what if you want to follow a specific hashtag the way you follow people and get updates whenever someone posts something with it? Well, don’t worry, I have got you covered. In the next section, I will explain how to follow hashtags on Mastodon and never miss a post again. So, sit tight and keep reading!

How to Follow Hashtags on Mastodon?

Following hashtags on Mastodon can help you stay updated on the topics that interest you and join conversations with other users. However, this feature is not available on every instance or client of Mastodon. Here is how to follow hashtags on Mastodon:

Step 01: Go to your Mastodon instance and log in to your account.

Step 02: In the search bar, type the hashtag you want to follow. For example, you can type #music or #photography.

Step 03: Click on the hashtag to see all of the posts that have used it.

Step 04: A plus icon or a Follow button will appear in the top right corner of the hashtag results page. Follow the hashtag by clicking on it.

Once you have followed the hashtag, posts that have been tagged with it will start appearing in your home timeline.

To unfollow a hashtag on Mastodon, simply click on the + icon or “Follow” button again.

Wrapping Up

And there you have it, folks! That’s all you need to know how to follow hashtags on Mastodon. I hope this guide has been helpful in showing you the ropes and getting you started on your hashtag-following adventures. So, don’t keep it to yourself! Share this valuable information with your fellow Mastodon users, especially those who are new to the platform.

Oh, and if you’re hungry for more Mastodon guides and tips, make sure to bookmark Path of EX and visit us regularly. Our team is dedicated to providing you with the latest updates, tutorials, and insider tricks to level up your Mastodon game.

Frequently Asked Questions

1. How do I follow a hashtag on Mastodon?

Just search for the hashtag and click the Plus icon or “Follow” button.

2. Can I follow multiple hashtags?

Yes, you can follow as many hashtags as you want.

3. Can I unfollow hashtags?

Yes, you can unfollow hashtags at any time.

4. Will I see posts from people I don’t follow if I follow a hashtag?

Yes, you will see posts from people you don’t follow if they use the hashtag you’re following.

5. How do I find trending hashtags on Mastodon?

You can find trending hashtags on the #Explore tab.

6. How do I use hashtags to organize my timeline?

You can use hashtags to organize your timeline by creating a filter for each hashtag. This way, you can see all the posts that use a certain hashtag in one place.


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