How To Delete Collections On TikTok In a Few Quick Steps!

Delete Collections On TikTok

TikTok is an ocean of videos. There are millions and billions of videos for people to browse. Users find many TikTok videos that they like and want to save, so they quickly press the save button, and that video gets saved on your TikTok app. Are you also one of those users who use tons of videos in your saved collections? You should consider deleting them. If you don’t know the way, here is a blog on how to delete collections on TikTok.

Keeping loads of unnecessary TikTok videos in your TikTok app can hamper the app’s functioning. Saving the TikTok videos option is easy to click on because sometimes a person you want to share the video with is not available. But, it needs to be paid attention. A lot of Saved videos can take up the app’s internal storage, so clearing unnecessary videos from your saved TikTok collections is always a good idea.

Now, without further ado, let me walk you through is amazing blog on how to delete collections on TikTok.

Can You Delete Collections on TikTok?

Yes, you can definitely delete collections on TikTok. Many people have a habit of saving online videos to the platform blindly. If you also have and you are thinking of clearing the unnecessary stuff, then the answer to your query is yes! You can easily delete collections on TikTok in just a few easy steps.

How to Delete Collections on TikTok?

In order to delete collections on TikTok, you need to follow the steps given below:

1. Open the TikTok on your device.

2. Hit the profile icon on the bottom left side of the screen.

3. As your profile page opens, hit on the bookmark icon.

4. Now tap on the option of collections.

5. Open a particular collection that you want to delete.

6. Now hit on the arrow in the top right corner of the screen saying share.

7. Then, tap on the delete collection options.

Delete Collections On TikTok

And that’s all. This is how you have to delete collections on TikTok.

Can Everyone See Your Collections on TikTok?

Delete Collections On TikTok

No, everyone cannot see your collections on TikTok. Only you have the access to do so. Like all other social media platforms, TikTok also keeps this feature private and only allows the account holders to view their saved collection on the platform.

So, if you were stressed about that could anyone see your favorite videos on TikTok that you saved privately, then relax because no one will be able to see them except you. Let me tell you that even if you want to, there is no way to make your collections on TikTok public or open.

Wrapping Up

In this blog, I have mentioned all the important details and information on how to delete collections on TikTok in just a few easy steps for you. I hope this blog served you in the best way possible. To read more such informative blogs, keep visiting our website, Path of EX. Have a great day ahead!

Frequently Asked Questions

1. Can you hide TikTok collections?

No, there is no such option of hiding your saved TikTok collections. Let me tell you that the feature of TikTok collections is by default a private feature. Nobody can see someone’s saved collections except for the account owner.

2. Do TikTok collections take storage?

Yes, the collection in the TikTok app does take up storage space. All the cache and junk data is accumulated by such collections in the app.

3. Is deleting TikTok permanent?

No, TikTok gives you a time period of 30 days in which you can recover your account. After the duration of 30 days, your TikTok account and data will be gone forever.

4. What happens if I clear data on TikTok?

When you clear data on TikTok, certain things may happen:
1. It may delete your past searches.
2. It may clear your watch history.
3. Your account visits may also get removed.
However, it will not impact your regular TikTok experience.

5. Is it OK to private videos on TikTok?

If views and audience matter to you, making your videos private is not a good idea. Making your content private and hiding it will drop your views drastically. TikTok will also not circulate your videos on other TikToker’s feeds.

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