Why Does My Xbox Keep Turning Off by Itself: Causes & Fixes

Xbox Keeps Turning Off by Itself

If your Xbox does this frustrating thing where it powers off for no reason, especially when you’re in the middle of a game, you’re not alone. So why does your Xbox keep turning off by itself, and how can you fix it?

Whether it’s the Xbox Friends List Glitch or your Xbox turning off by itself, every issue has a fix. There could be multiple reasons for your Xbox turning off, and in this article, I’ll help you find them.

So read on to know why your Xbox keeps turning off by itself and how can you fix it yourself.

Why Does My Xbox Keep Turning Off by Itself?

Xbox Keeps Turning Off by Itself

There are 5 main reasons why your Xbox might be turning off by itself. You can figure out the reason for your console turning off by cross-checking these causes.

Xbox Keeps Turning Off by Itself Causes:

1. Bad Airflow / Overheating

One of the most common reasons for any device misbehaving is overheating and, for consoles, bad airflow or poor ventilation.

When your console overheats, it can turn off by itself without warning to prevent further damage.

2. Bad Power Supply

A bad power outlet or the cord plugged in wrong could be another reason why your Xbox keeps turning off by itself. Maybe the power outlet is bad, or the cord isn’t plugged in correctly. Try plugging it into another outlet, and if it works, that’s the culprit.

3. Your Inactivity Timer is Active

If your Xbox turns off on inactivity or when you take a little break, it could be because you have the wrong settings. To check this, go to Profile & System > Settings > General > Power Options > Turn Off After.

Under “Turn off after,” select “Don’t turn off automatically” so that the console doesn’t power off unless you turn it off. If you don’t, it will keep turning off on inactivity to save power.

4. Missing System Updates

If your Xbox console has missing system updates, it’s prone to misbehave and turn off unexpectedly. An outdated system often shuts down abruptly or shows signs of wear.

So if you haven’t updated your Xbox in a while, it might be time to do so.

5. Bad Hard Drive

If none of the above reasons seem to match why your Xbox keeps turning off, it might be because of a bad hard drive. Replacing your hard drive is a big deal and not to mention expensive. So try replacing your console’s drive with a working drive to see if that’s the reason.

How to Fix Xbox Keeps Turning Off by Itself Issue | 4 Fixes

Xbox Keeps Turning Off by Itself

Now that we’ve covered the reasons for Xbox abruptly turning off let’s focus on how you can fix it. There are a few ways to fix your Xbox keeps turning off by itself.

Xbox Keeps Turning Off by Itself Fixes:

  1. If your console is hot to the touch and in an improperly ventilated space, you need to move your console to a different spot that’s ventilated well. Wait a while before turning it back on, and it should work properly now.
  2. Plug your console into a different power source and plug it in properly. If the reason for it turning off was a bad power supply, this should fix it.
  3. Use the “don’t turn off automatically” settings mentioned in the causes section.
  4. Update your console and perform a system reset before you try turning it on again without errors.

Watch How to Fix Xbox That Keeps Turning Off by Itself

Wrapping Up

Whether your Xbox keeps turning off by itself because of an outdated system, or incorrect settings, I’ve got you covered. Did my fixes help you solve the issue with your console? Comment to let me know what the cause for your Xbox turning off is and what helped fix it.

Happy Gaming!

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