Top Famous Cyber Scams During the Holidays

Top Famous Cyber Scams During the Holidays

With the advent of technology, there have been certain advantages that have made life easier to some extent. Nowadays, connectivity is no longer an issue at all. However, there is a flip side to the story as well. There are certain disadvantages of the internet boom. And Cyber security sits at the highest pedestal. 

According to CyberGhost, the famous cyber scam that many users fall prey to while on holiday. On the side, you want to spend quality leisure time during holidays. And when you fall victim to a cyber scam, it can turn your holidays into a grim affair. Here are some of the top famous cyber scams during holidays. 

1. Phishing Scams

Phishing scams are one of the most commonly faced scams. These scams involve sending emails or text that, from the face of it, seems to be sent from legitimate companies like banks, retailers, or shipping companies. These messages very often contain a link, and when you click on this link, it will direct you to a fake website that looks identical to the real company’s website. Once you enter your personal information on the fake website, the scammers will steal it. So, it is important to protect yourself from phishing. 

2. Fake Shipping Notifications

Fake shipping notification scams involve sending emails or text messages that, from the face of it, seem to be sent from shipping companies. Such notifications usually claim that your package is with the shipping company, and you are supposed to provide the details, which they then misuse for their own benefit by stealing your information. 

3. Gift Card Scams

While on holiday, don’t pay heed to any such link by anyone about the Gift Card and offers like things. This can prove fatal. Scammers may sell gift cards online, through social media, or at flea markets. Once you buy the stolen gift card, you will not be able to use it, and the scammer will have your money. It is very tough to get money back once dubbed through a gift card scam. 

4. Fake Charity Scam

Charity is undoubtedly a noble act, but some people collect fake charity. Fake websites and social media pages are created to solicit charity for causes that do not exist in the real world. You may also be sent emails or texts by scammers demanding charity from you. Once you send the money to them, the scammers will receive the money and will use that money of yours for their personal use. So, while on holiday, you have to be careful and consider only those emails and text messages that you are sure come from a genuine source and are meant for the real cause. 


When you are holidaying, all you need is to have a calm, cool and clean atmosphere. But be careful. Most scams often take place while you are on holiday. You casually, without giving much consideration to these requests, just accept them, which in reality comes from the scammers. So you have to be careful before responding to any such request. 

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