How to Search Flairs on Reddit: 2 Methods Explained!

How to Search Flairs on Reddit

Reddit is a go-to social media platform for all your queries, you can easily choose any community and dive in with the purpose to seek answers, getting advice, involve yourself in discussions and discourses on the platform. While some features of Reddit are pretty easy to get, others are far more difficult, one such feature is Flairs on Reddit. If you are among such users who are confused with the Flairs option on Reddit, then you are at the right place. In this article, I will tell you, what is Flairs on Reddit and how to search Flairs on Reddit. 

Flairs on Reddit are labels or tags within a subreddit. Each subreddit has its own set of flairs. And recently users had questions regarding the ways to search for Flairs within each subreddit. The purpose of Reddit Flairs is that it helps a user organize or flag content within a subreddit. 

So, without further ado, let’s dig in to learn about how to search Flairs on Reddit and what is a Flair on Reddit. 

What is a Flair on Reddit?

How to Search Flairs on Reddit

A Reddit Flair is a tag that a user can sometimes see next to a user’s name or post title in subreddits that allow it. The Flair on Reddit allows other users to filter out which content they would like or not like to show up on their feeds.

There are two kinds of Flairs on Reddit: Individual Flair and Post Flair. Each of these Flairs serves a different purpose on the Reddit platform. It is to be noted that not all subreddits will allow regular Reddit users to add flairs to their posts, and in that case, you will need to talk to the moderator to add it for you.

Some subreddits don’t allow flair at all. And if that’s the case, then it might be because the admin or moderator might have disabled the feature. 

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How to Search Flairs on Reddit?

Now that we know what a Flair on Reddit is, it is time to dive on and know how you can search for different types of Flairs on Reddit. In the below-mentioned guide, I have explained the methods to search Flairs on Reddit. 

Methods 1: Search Flairs on Reddit By Using Reddit’s Search Bar

How to Search Flairs on Reddit

One of the easiest ways to search for Flairs on Reddit is by using Reddit’s search bar. The search bar on Reddit is located at the top of the screen. In order to search Flairs using the search bar, follow these steps:

  1. Launch the Reddit app on your device.
  2. At the top of the screen, you will see a search bar, tap on it. 
  3. In case you want to search for a flair, all you need to do is type simply type flair:{flairhere} in the search bar. 
  4. Then press enter.
  5. In case you have a specific subreddit in mind, you can also go to that subreddit and search for the Flair from there. Or else, you can also type r/{subredditnamehere} flair:{flairhere} in the Reddit search bar.

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Method 2: Search Flairs on Reddit by Finding Posts With the Same Flair

How to Search Flairs on Reddit

The other method that you can try in order to search for Flairs on Reddit is by finding posts with the same Flair. In case you have found a Reddit post with that Flair, all you need to do is just click on it, and you will be directed to a page where all the posts with that Flair can be found.

For example.  In case you search for flair: food on Reddit. You will be shown posts from different subreddits that will appear on the search results page. In case you click on the post posted in the r/Cooking subreddit. You will be headed to the r/Cooking subreddit and see the posts with the “food” Flair on the page but only posts associated with the r/Cooking subreddit.

Also, read  How to Do r/Place on Reddit on Mobile & Desktop in 6 Steps?

Wrapping Up

Reddit is an information-gathering, sharing, discussion, and community-building website. You can build your community by making and involving yourself in discussions on the Reddit platform. To know, how to search Flairs on Reddit,  read the entire article and do share it with your friends.

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Frequently Asked Questions

1. What do the Flairs mean on Reddit?

A Flair is a ‘tag’ that can be added to threads posted on the Reddit website within a sub-reddit. They help users understand the category to which the posts belong to and help readers filter specific kinds of posts based on their preferences.

2. What do user Flairs do?

User Flairs create a visual flag next to or under a community member’s username.

3. What are the different types of Flair on Reddit?

There are two different types of Flairs on Reddit, one is individual Flair and the other is post Flair. 

4. Why is Reddit Flair search not working?

It can be because of a temporary bug on the Reddit app. 

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