Demystifying Email Bounces and Blocks: Tips for Higher Deliverability

Email Bounces

Can you think of having a powerful tool at your fingertips that will help you in forming meaningful full connections with your stakeholders and consumers, which will further help in delivering your message straight to their inboxes? This is what is called email marketing!

But what if your email bounces back? It may also derail your campaigns or block swoop in a mischievous way to cause trouble that may leave you in a stressful situation. Don’t worry! In this blog, I am here to clear all the clouds of doubts and blockages that these factors may have caused you.

After reading this blog laced with valuable tips to increase your email deliverability and you will lose all the fearful feelings and doubts related to this topic.

Understanding Email Bounces

When an email is bounced, it means that it has failed to reach its intended receiver. Email bounces can have many reasons. It can occur due to an invalid mail address, temporary network issues of the receiver, full mailboxes, etc. Hence it is essential for you to understand the kinds of email bounces so that you can effectively manage them.

1. Hard Bounces: Hard bounces happen when an email is rejected due to a non-existing or invalid email address. For this, consider regularly cleaning your email lists. Also, try using double opt-in methods to ensure the information about your subscribers.

2. Soft Bounces: When a mail is bounced due to the reasons such as full mailboxes or the receiver’s network’s temporary unavailability, it is known as soft bounces. You can try to solve this issue by resending emails after a certain point of time. If the soft bounces still persists, then remove the email address from your list.

Dealing with Email Blocks

The reasons email blocks occur when your emails are flagged as spam by the recipient’s email provider. It can even occur if your IP address is blacklisted. You can consider the below-mentioned strategies to minimize email blocks:

Authenticate Your Emails

In order to increase the deliverability rate of your emails and guard them against being marked as spam, you can consider integrating an email spam checker. By implementing robust authentication protocols like SPF, DKIM, and DMARC, you will not only validate your credibility as a sender but also earn trust in your email communicators.

SPF (Sender Policy Framework) certainly helps in verifying whether the email was generated from an authorized server or not, while DKIM (DomainKeys Identified Mail) will add a digital signature to make sure that the integrity of the message is maintained.

Moreover, DMARC (Domain-based Message Authentication, Reporting, and Conformance) adds an extra coat of protection by specifying how email recipients should handle failed message authentication.

Monitor Blacklists

You need to check frequently whether your IP address or domain is added to any blacklists. There are plenty of free online tools that are accessible to assist you in checking whether your IP or domain has been listed. In the event that you discover that you are definitely blacklisted, you’ll need to attentively follow the instructions that are given to initiate the delisting process of your IP domain or address.

To ensure the increase in the deliverability and reputation of your emails, you are required to take prompt action to remove your name’s listing from the blacklist.

Maintain Engagement

The email service providers very bluntly give preference to emails that have two-way engagement. In order to optimize your email deliverability, it is essential to focus on knitting valuable and important content that entices you to open, engage and read your emails. If you focus on delivering content that is relatable to your topic, you increase the likelihood of receiving positive interactions and responses.

Hence, it is essentially important on a regular basis to maintain your email lists by removing your inactive subscribers. If you tend to keep your lists of subscribers up to date, helps in improving engagement as it makes sure that you are targeting an interested community of audiences. If you keep bouncing into your community of inactive subscribers, you can enhance the overall engagement percentage of your email campaigns, which leads to the improved deliverability of your emails and higher chances of your emails reaching to the inboxes of recipients.

Best Practices for Email Deliverability

To increase the scale of deliverability of the emails, you can consider implementing these additional best practices:

Optimize Email Design

To increase the impact of your emails, it is essential to give preference to their design, visual appeal, and responsiveness. You will have to create emails that are visually appealing, captivating, and optimized for mobile devices considering the scale of mobile email consumption. Make sure to check your emails are well-designed with a professional and appealing layout.

Additionally, you should pay special attention to building a transparent and clear topic line that will hold the recipient’s attention. Focus on keeping the content of your emails relatable, concise, and relevant to your audience’s interests. Concentrate on delivering concise but impactful messages rather than overwhelming them with excessive content.

Test Before Sending

Prior to beginning a large email campaign, it is certain to conduct comprehensive and detailed testing across various email senders and devices to ensure the optimal display and user experience. Conducting tests will allow you to identify and magnify any potential issues that might arise when recipients might receive your emails.

While in the testing phase, you’ll need to pay attention to the important factors that leave a great impact, like images, links, or any other content-related issues. Make sure that all the links are direct, effective, and functional. Also, check to be sure that the images are on the display in the correct way across the emails. As images are the prime factor and play an active role in capturing attention in enhancing the visual appeal of the emails.

Monitor Email Analytics

You need to be consistent in monitoring and analyzing the key email metrics, which include open rates and click-through rates. Keeping a check on the factors like the rates of unsubscribers will also add to gaining valuable insights into the performance rate of your email campaigns. By regularly keeping a check on these metrics and data, you can identify trends and patterns that provide important feedback on this effective strategy of email marketing.

You will need to pay close attention to the open rates, which showcase the percentage of email receivers who opened your emails. A low receiver’s open scale who opened your emails will indicate that your working pattern and the subject line needs polishing, or maybe your emails are not able to reach into the inboxes of the recipients. Experiment and try new subject lines and often preview text to optimize open rates and scales.

Wrapping Up

In this blog, I have mentioned all the important details, guidelines, and information that will fix the nuances of email bounces and blocks the implementation of these tips for increased and higher deliverability. If you have any suggestions or queries related to the topic. Comment down in this comment box below. We will reach out to you soon. To read more such informative blogs, keep visiting our website, Path of EX.

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