All That Work And What Did It Get Me Trend On TikTok Explained!

All That Work And What Did It Get Me Trend On TikTok Explained!

TikTok is a house full of trends and viral videos. By the time you make sense of a few of the ongoing trends, more trendy stuff comes in. For example, now we have the “All that work and what did it get me trend on TikTok” up our sleeves. 

If you scroll through TikTok for even 20 minutes daily (I know you’re usually on the app for hours), you must have come across people taking part in this – All that work and what did it get me trend on TikTok. You might have seen them move the phone around their face while lipsyncing to the audio in the background. 

You also might have wondered why they are doing this. Should you even be bothered, or is it just one of those meaningless trends? Let me tell you, all that work and what did it get me trend on TikTok is far from pointless. It’s pretty funny, and you will love it. But for that, you first have to understand it in detail, so keep scrolling. The trend is discussed in the article below. 

Know About All That Work And What Did It Get Me Trend On TikTok Here!

All That Work And What Did It Get Me Trend On TikTok Explained!

In the “All that Work and what did it get me trend on TikTok,” people use lipsync and act on the song “Rose’s Turn” to express their regret. To be more specific, in this trend, people say that they put a good amount of work into something and didn’t get the kind of returns they were expecting. 

This sounds fun, right? Well, there’s more to the trend than what meets the eye here. To know all that there is, keep scrolling down. 

All That Work And What Did It Get Me Trend On TikTok Explained

In the All that work and what did it get me trend on TikTok, people are lipsyncing to the beginning of the song “Rose’s Turn,” which was used in the first season of Glee. The beginning of the song goes like this, “All that work and what did it get me. Why did I do it?” With the audio, people express their regrets and unhappiness over something in a humorous and light-hearted way. 

For example, some people are using the audio to share how they studied hard and put in a lot of extra work for a subject and still got the same grade as always. They want to express this using the audio “All that work and what did it get me.”

Here’s another example:

In the trend, the “All that work and what did it get me” audio plays in the background, and people explain the situation they use it for as a text overlay. 

Kelly Salpeter is one of the many TikTok users who participated in the trend. As the camera moves around the way and she lipsyncs to “All that work and what did it get me,” the text overlay reads: “When I spent 8 hours scripting, filming, and editing a high-quality video for it to get 800 views but the one of my video that took 45 seconds to make got 66 million views.” 

This shows how she put a lot of work into editing a particular video only to have it fetch her around 800 views. And the video she didn’t put much work into got her millions of views. 

Wrapping Up

Alright then, guys! By now, I hope you guys have understood the “All that work and what did it get me trend on TikTok“! In this article, I walked you guys through what this trend is all about and why people are taking part in it. So, I hope you guys found this article interesting and helpful. If there’s some other trend that you want my help covering, please mention it in the comments! 

Frequently Asked Questions

1. What is the All That Work And What Did It Get Me trend on TikTok?

In All that work and what did it get me trend on TikTok, people are expressing their regrets. They are sharing how they put a lot of work into something, and it didn’t yield any results. 

2. What is the “all that work and what did it get me” song from TikTok?

The song being used in the trend is called “Rose’s Turn,” and it is from the musical Gypsy. The song was also used in the eighteenth episode of the first season of Glee. 

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