How to Turn On Quiet Mode on Instagram: All You Need to Know!

How to Turn Off Quiet Mode on Instagram in 6 Easy Steps

Instagram is the biggest shark in the world of social media platforms. If it has made interaction easy on just the tips of our fingers, there are drawbacks too. Nothing more is distractive than this platform today. But Instagram dealt with this in a very smart way. It has introduced a new Quiet Mode on Instagram that can help you with the issue of being distracted.

Earlier, Instagram brought features like Vanish Mode and Light Mode to intrigue users. By bringing such features as Quiet Mode, Instagram is showing its concern to its global users about being aware of the distraction the platform causes. In order to establish a balance and especially for the users who have gotten addicted and are not able to attain their focus, this feature has been launched. 

In this blog, I am going to mention all the important details and information that you might need to know about Quiet Mode on Instagram. Read the blog till the end to gain complete information regarding the topic. 

What is Quiet Mode on Instagram?

What is Quiet Mode on Instagram & How to Turn ON/OFF Quiet Mode

Quiet Mode Instagram is a new feature that Instagram introduced recently. When you turn on this feature, it will automatically mute your notifications, update your Instagram activity and set an auto-reply to your DMs. 

The main purpose of Instagram Quiet Mode is to establish a barrier between digital life and real-life experiences. It helps in blocking the reckless and disturbing bragging of notifications from Instagram. 

This Quiet Mode feature mutes all the activities and notifications without disturbing the flow of the DMs. Instagram Quiet Mode feature definitely establishes a healthy balance between real and reel life. It helps users to direct their flow of focus on their preferred real-life activities without getting distracted by Instagram. 

How to Turn On Quiet Mode on Instagram?

Turning on Quiet Mode on Instagram is not so complex. Here are the guide steps that you will need to follow to proceed in the process to enable Quiet Mode on Instagram. 

1. Open your Instagram app and log in with your ID credentials.

Quiet Mode on Instagram

2. Navigate to your profile, and in the top right corner, click on the three horizontal lines

Quiet Mode on Instagram

3. Choose the Settings and Privacy option.

4. Tap on the section of Notifications.

Quiet Mode on Instagram

5. Tap on the Quiet Mode section in the menu.

6. Turn on the toggle of Quiet Mode

Quiet Mode on Instagram

7. You will need set to the duration of the time you want to turn on Quiet mode for. You can choose the option to turn it on automatically.

And that’s it. You have successfully enabled Quiet Mode on Instagram. 

NOTE: Quiet Mode can only be turned on for up to 12 hours. 

How to Turn Off Quiet Mode on Instagram?

If you are out of your phase of taking a break from Instagram’s notifications, you might be looking for ways to disable Quiet Mode on Instagram. Below are the steps that you need to follow to disable Quiet Mode on Instagram. 

1. Open your Instagram app and log in with your ID initials.

2. Navigate to your profile, and in the top right corner, click on the three horizontal lines

Quiet Mode on Instagram

3. Choose the Settings and Privacy option.

Quiet Mode on Instagram

4. Tap on the section of Notifications.

5. Tap on the Quiet Mode section in the menu.

6. Turn the toggle of Quiet mode Off

And that’s it. You have successfully disabled Quiet Mode on Instagram. 

Why Don’t I Have Quiet Mode on Instagram?

 Quiet Mode on Instagram

If somehow you haven’t gotten access to this new Quiet Mode Instagram feature, it means that this feature hasn’t reached your region yet. You can wait for this feature to roll out to our region or country. Try to update or reinstall your Instagram app, to escape a glitch or a lag. 

Quiet Mode vs Silent Mode in Instagram Messages 

 Quiet Mode on Instagram

Many people confuse Quiet Mode and Silent Mode to be similar features. But Quiet Mode Instagram is a completely different feature than /silent Instagram. As per the statement of Meta, “Quiet Mode was built to help people focus and to encourage people to set boundaries with their friends and followers.” In Quiet Mode, Instagram mutes the notifications and sets an auto reply to the DMs that you set for as long as you want.

Whereas Silent Mode is completely a different feature you can use with the command. /silent. Now, you must be wondering “what does /silent do on Instagram?” /Silent command activates the Silent Mode in your DM. This means that the recipient will receive your message, but they will not be notified. You can send this silent message by typing /silent and then typing the message. The other person will receive the message, but they will not be notified. 

Wrapping Up

In this blog, I have mentioned all the important details and information about Quiet Mode on Instagram. If you have any suggestions or queries related to this topic, feel free to comment down in the comment section. To read more such informative blogs, keep visiting our website, Path of EX. Have a great day ahead!

Frequently Asked Questions

1. How to know if someone turned off the Activity status on Instagram?

To know that someone has turned off their Activity status, you will need to send them a message. When you’ll send them a DM, notice if there is a green dot on the top of their name. If your message is seen but the green dot still not appears, then definitely their Activity status is off. However, if the other person is online, but the green dot on their profile icon has not appeared means that their Activity Status is turned off.

2. How can I see Instagram messages without them knowing?

The best option to see their Instagram messages without seeing them is viewing the messages through the notification window. You can see the message through the notification window without opening the DM box of your chat. 

3. How do I turn off silent mode on Instagram?

To turn off the Silent Mode on Instagram, you will need to stop writing the @silent in the messages. As soon as you stop writing that, your silent mode will get deactivated and your DM section will be back to normalcy.  

4. Why can’t I get quiet mode on Instagram?

Quiet Mode is currently available in the US, UK, Europe, Australia and some parts of Asia. It is important for you to check whether this feature is available in your region or country. 

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