How to Solve Chapter 4 Bird Bridge Station in Underground Blossom?

How to Solve Chapter 4 Bird Bridge Station in Underground Blossom?

Underground Blossom is an adventure gaming experience developed by the creators of the Cube Escape & Rusty Lake series. In the Underground Blossom game, you follow the life of Laura by taking trains to different subway stops. Underground Blossom is an excellent and immersive point-and-click puzzle that is full of mysteries. To know How to Solve Chapter 4 Bird Bridge Station in Underground Blossom, follow this game guide thoroughly.

Underground Blossom is an amalgamation of different chapters, and in each chapter, you have a mystery or a puzzle to solve. Recently, players have been stuck on chapter 4 of Underground Blossom, which follows Laura’s life in the Bird Bridge Station. It can seem quite tricky to solve this mystery, but all you need to do is follow this walkthrough to solve the mystery in Bird Bridge Station.

So, without further ado, let’s dig in to learn about how to solve Chapter 4 Bird Bridge Station in Underground Blossom.

How to Solve Chapter 4 Bird Bridge Station in Underground Blossom?

Bird Bridge Station in Underground Blossom is riddled with mysteries; you need to be very cautious in each of your steps. Follow the walkthrough given below in order to resolve the Chapter 4 Bird Bridge Station in Underground Blossom.

1. You will find adult Laura on the central platform; say hello to her. Now, tap on the Metal Box on the ground to the left of Laura. From the box, grab the Pencil and Piece of Sausage inside.

2. Tap on the Sketchbook in Laura’s lap, then use the Pencil on the sketch of her mother, Rose, and draw a freehand line however you wish. Your doodle does not need to be perfect as long it is a single unbroken line. Click on the Line you just drew to add it to your Inventory.

3. Now you need to find a Food Stand, and for that, just go to the right wing. Now select the Manhole cover to the right of the Food Stand.

Solve Chapter 4 Bird Bridge Station in Underground Blossom

4. To lift the manhole, click on the cover, then the branch inside to pull it out. Now, you will have to Use the Line on this Branch and create something that looks almost like a fishing rod!

5. Navigate to the left wing of the station; here, you will find a jazz musician. You will see the Rusy Lake Theatre poster along the wall. Now you have to make the singer sing six musical notes and to do that, click and hold on the singer’s mouth.

6. As shown in the picture, you need to use the trumpet to play the sequence of notes, and to do that, click on the musician himself, then the trumpet in the closeup.

7. To blow the trumpet, press the piston valves in this order: 1-2-3-1-2-3.

8. After the complete show, the trumpet will sputter. Click on the trumpet bell closeup multiple times until… a fish pops out.

9. Tap on the fish on the ground in order to get a Hook.

10. Now head to the Manhole Cover at the right wing. Now, Use the Hook obtained, then the Piece of Sausage on the makeshift rod you created earlier.

Solve Chapter 4 Bird Bridge Station in Underground Blossom

11. Once you are done making the makeshift rod, click on it and then lower it into the manhole. Raise it again to fish out… a Rat.

12. Tap on the Rat to send it scurrying away. You’ll find it back at the left wing. Click on the the Rat to send it into the rathole.

Solve Chapter 4 Bird Bridge Station in Underground Blossom

13. Now click on the rathole to obtain a note. On this note, you will get a clue about the 5:00 arrival of the next train.

14. Go to the Train Arrival Platform and click on the Station Clock. You have to make the clock say it its 5:00 to do that, click and drag the minute hand clockwise until the time reads 5:00.

Solve Chapter 4 Bird Bridge Station in Underground Blossom

15. Select the train doors to let out the passengers. There will be many passengers on the platform by now; talk to any of the passengers on the arrival platform, and they should direct you to speak with a series of other people throughout the station in a particular order.

16. You will have to follow the series of passengers who will finally direct you in passenger Bob’s direction.

17. Once you find Bob at the arrival station, he will give you two $10 bills and request that you make two purchases from the Food Stall.

Solve Chapter 4 Bird Bridge Station in Underground Blossom

18. Head to the right wing and interact with the Food Stall. Buy a Sandwich and a Coffee from the attendant by placing the $10 bill in his hand. You have to choose the appropriate menu by clicking the top of the selection.

19. Once purchased, head back to Bob and Give Bob the Sandwich. He won’t be happy and will respond with disgust. To find out the reason for disgust, click on the Sandwich, then click and drag the ingredients around to find out why the thing is crawling with worms! You will have to remove the five worms on the sandwich by clicking and dragging them off the Sandwich altogether. EWW!

20. Interact with Bob again and grab the Breadcrumbs after he finishes his now-foodsafe Sandwich.

21. Go back to Laura and give her the Coffee. Now, click on the Coffee twice, and you will find a Cigarette. Sheesh. Grab the Cigarette.

22. Head back to the Food Stand in the left wing and interact with the shady man hiding next to the Food Stand. Use the Cigarette and Lighter on him.

23. He will provide you with several items; all you need to do is click on the Lighter a few times. He will drop a bag on the ground, click on it, and then grab the Paper Clip.

Solve Chapter 4 Bird Bridge Station in Underground Blossom

24. Now, you have to reveal a new puzzle in the  Electrical Cabinet to the right of the Food Stand. Use the Paper Clip on the padlock to do so.

25. There are 9 inputs marked with a symbol, which is the upper or lower half of a digital number. All you need to do in this task is to connect both ends of each wire so that the symbols on their inputs at each end combine to form one of the numbers displayed in the readout above.

26. To solve this puzzle, link both ends of any cable as shown above to create the digital “7.” It is to be noted that lines half are allowed to overlap. Click and drag the connectors of each wire to different inputs so that each wire is connected in a such way as to create one of the three numbers in the readout. The readout above must reach 5-8-7 first, followed by 1-9-2, then finally 3-6-1.

Solve Chapter 4 Bird Bridge Station in Underground Blossom

27. Now that you have completed the puzzles, it is time to head back to the central platform and click on the loudspeaker above Laura. Here, you have to make again six musical notes that it emits.

28. Go back to the jazz musician and click on this trumpet again. Using the piston valves, play this new sequence of notes using the piston valves.

Solve Chapter 4 Bird Bridge Station in Underground Blossom

29. In the piston valves, enter 1-1-2-2-3-3 marked above. Now, click on the bell closeup again and see what comes out this time!

Solve Chapter 4 Bird Bridge Station in Underground Blossom

30. Head back and to the central platform and interact with Laura and Bob on the bench. Now, click on the bird twice, then give it the Breadcrumbs. Select and click on the bird again, and watch the six musical notes it emits.

31. Now, follow the same routine: go to the jazz musician and use his trumpet to play the new note sequence you just learned.

32. This time, enter 3-3-1-3-1-1 using the piston valves.

33. At this point, the trumpet bell will produce a Metro Ticket!

33. Getting the Metro Ticket from the trumpet during Chapter 4 will unlock the Nice Acoustics Achievement!

34. Head back to the central platform and click on Laura’s sketchbook.

33. Go through the sketchbook pages until you reach the last one, mentioning, “the long hand points to the tree while the short hand almost catches the dark soul.” The here is about the age numbers in Luara’s sketchbook. With this hint, you will find the pages of the lone tree and “dark soul” images inside Laura’s sketchbook.

34. The tree page number is where you need to point the minute hand on the Station Clock, while the dark soul page number will refer to where the hour hand position should NEARLY be pointing to.

35. Now, enter this time into the Station Clock on the arrival platform.

36. Click on the train doors to greet the Conductor and get your ticket punched like before, and voila, you have successfully solved Chapter 4, Bird Bridge Station in Underground Blossom

Wrapping Up

Underground Blossom is an amalgamation of different chapters, and in each chapter, you have a mystery or a puzzle to solve. The game follows the life of Luara in different train stations. To know how to solve Chapter 4 Bird Bridge Station in Underground Blossom, read the entire article and share it with your friends.

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