Can You Change Spotify AI DJ Voice: Know the Inside Details!

Can You Change Spotify AI DJ Voice

Spotify is currently the most popular music streaming service. With its personalization features, it truly stands out among the rest of its competitors. With the integration of AI in every field, Spotify too recently launched its AI DJ on the platform. The AI DJ is an amazing way to listen to your favorite songs queued by AI-powered DJ. But recently, many users have questions about the possibility of changing the voice of AI DJ on the platform. If you are someone with the same query, then you are at the right place. In this article, I will tell you can you change Spotify AI DJ voice.

The AI-powered Spotify DJ is a robot DJ with a stunningly realistic voice that will queue up your songs and play them according to your listening patterns. Many listeners are quite bored with the robotic voice and want to know whether or not they can change the Spotify AI DJ voice.

So, without further ado, let’s dig in to learn about can you change Spotify AI DJ voice and how can I change the voice of Spotify AI DJ.

Can You Change Spotify AI DJ Voice?

Can You Change Spotify AI DJ Voice

Recently many users are quite bored with the mechanical AI DJ voice on Spotify and want to know the way to change Spotify AI DJ voice for a better user interface. The Spotify community page is filled with queries about if users could change or disable the voice or personality of the AI DJ. 

But much to the disappointment of Spotify users, as of now, you can not change the voice of AI DJ on the platform.

Spotify DJ is a new feature and is currently available in the U.S., UK, and Canada. If rumors are to be believed Spotify is planning to widen the reach of the feature and with that, you can also change the voice of AI DJ on Spotify.

It is to be noted that in a NerdOut@Spotify podcast episode 18: Meet Your Personal AI DJ host Dave Zolotusky talks with product director Zeena Qureshi and director of engineering John Flynnn and to the original AI DJ voice and soul: the real-life Xavier “X” Jernigan about the Spotify responsible for DJ’s realistic, expressive voice. The podcast further dives into the modes of changing the voice and according to the experts, Spotify is likely to let users change the voice of AI DJ in the near future.

User’s Reaction to the Voice of Spotify AI DJ

Can You Change Spotify AI DJ Voice

Spotify users are not having it with the Spotify AI DJ. There is an entire Reddit thread dedicated to where users are seemingly quite irritated by the AI DJ voice. While some call the voice irritating others can’t bear the mechanical accent and voice of the AI DJ.

A comment by a user said, “I think they should have an option for changing the voice. It’s a cool feature having the voice come in but I find the voice itself really irritating. Surely using Prime Voice AI technology they could offer various accents?”

In the below-mentioned tweets, I have given a general representation of how users are feeling about the AI DJ voice on Spotify.

Wrapping Up

Spotify is known for its personalization features. You can learn more about your musical tastes and listening patterns every other day with these enhanced features. One such feature is AI DJ which queues up your songs according to your listening patterns. To know, can you change Spotify AI DJ voice and how can I change the voice of Spotify’s AI DJ, read the entire article and do share it with your friends.

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Frequently Asked Questions

1. Who voices the Spotify AI DJ?

The DJ is voiced by AI and is apparently based on the vocals of Spotify’s previous head of cultural partnerships Xavier Jernigan.

2. Can You Change Spotify AI DJ Voice?

As of now, you can not change the voice of AI DJ on the platform.

3. Is Spotify AI DJ premium only?

Yes. Spotify AI Dj is exclusively for Spotify Premium subscribers in the United States and Canada.

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