How To Get Rotom In Pokemon Go: Pokemon Go Fest 2024

Rotom In Pokemon Go

Are you wondering how to obtain a Rotom In Pokemon Go? When it comes to Pokemon with special abilities, Rotom is undoubtedly a fan favorite. In this article, I will explain in detail the process of obtaining Rotom In Pokemon Go. Join in and explore!

Among the myriad of awe-inspiring creatures in Pokemon Go, Rotom stands tall as a true force of nature. The unique abilities of this special Pokemon can help you immensely during events or challenges in Pokemon GO,

Found mostly in the Sinnoh region of Pokemon Go, you can encounter and acquire Rotom during special events like Pokemon Go Fests. This guide will provide you with all the necessary information on how to obtain Rotom In Pokemon Go. Let’s get started!

What Is a Rotom In Pokemon Go?

Rotom In Pokemon Go

Rotom is a special category of Pokemon, and it is also called Plasma Pokemon. Rotom possesses the unique quality of being able to take the appearance of different electrical gadgets. Its body is analogous to an electric wave, helping it to enter some machines and control their functioning in order to play tricks.

Wash Rotom

Rotom in Pokemon Go was first introduced in the form of Wash Rotom, which is an Electric/Water type capable of blasting water at its enemies. It was first made available on 25 July 2020 during the Pokemon Go Fest.

Mow Rotom

The second form of Rotom, Mow Rotom, is an electric and grass-type Pokémon. This special Pokemon was released as part of the Go Fest in-person event in Berlin in July 2022. Mow Rotom in Pokemon Go seizes control of a lawn mower and scatters the clippings everywhere as it mows down the grass. 

Frost Rotom

Similarly, when a Rotom possesses a Refrigerator, it becomes a Frost Rotom (dual-type electric/ice). When it takes control of an electric fan, it is called a Fan Rotom (dual-type electric/flying Pokemon).

When a Rotom does not possess any other electric appliance but is controlling an electric bulb, it acts as a Regular Rotom, a dual-type electric/ghost Pokemon capable of giving thunder shocks!

In Pokemon Go, the Rotom is a special creature that players can capture and use for their benefit in basic tasks, missions, or battles. The unique and versatile abilities of this special Pokemon could be pretty helpful in many events or challenges in Pokemon GO.

Needless to say, Rotom can be considered a valuable Pokémon with highly skilled abilities in the magnetic world of Pokémon GO. Since not all of the Rotom forms have been made available in the game yet by the developer and publisher of Pokémon GO, there is a lot of speculation and excitement around them.

Excitingly, the developers of Pokémon GO have hinted towards the introduction of Shiny Rotom in a future update in Pokémon Go.

How To Catch Rotom In Pokemon GO 2024?

rotom in pokemon go

While grabbing a Rotom in Pokemon Go is a rare event, you can try your hands at catching a Rotom by following these simple steps:

  1. Open the Snapshot mode with any Pokemon of your choice.
  2. Click pictures of the Pokemon (consider turning off AR+ to make this step hassle-free)
  3. Exit Snapshot mode (where you review the images immediately after you take them)
  4. If you are lucky, Rotom might appear in one of your photos.
  5. If Rotom appears, it will spawn in the wild on the map screen. You can try catching it like any other Pokémon.
  6.  Keep repeating the above steps until Rotom appears in your photos.

It’s that simple – continue using the Snapshot feature until Rotom appears. If you luck out, you can even catch multiple Rotom using this method!

If you have tried following these instructions and still failing at catching a Rotom in Pokemon Go, you may want to try these alternative methods to get hold of this special Pokemon:

  • Participate in Special Events.
  • Complete Special Researches.
  • Explore different locations.

Wrapping Up

That’s all the information you need on capturing a Rotom in Pokemon Go. By following these strategies and using your skills, you can increase your odds of acquiring a Rotom in Pokemon Go. Embark on this thrilling adventure and witness the power of this extraordinary Pokemon for yourself. Best of luck on your journey!

If you have any queries, let us know in the comments section. We Would love to help you out! Stay tuned with Path Of EX for more informative articles on the Pokemon Go game.

Happy Gaming, Folks!

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