Lies of P Weight Thresholds (Encumbrance): How it Works & Why it’s Important

There are four different Weight Thresholds in Lies of P

With the unbeatable original Lies of P Lore and classic Souls-like game features like the Lie System in Lies of P, the game is definitely the talk of the town. However, some of the features of Lies of P are less known because of the limited information provided by the developers, like the Weight Thresholds or encumbrances.

Different weapons in Lies of P weigh differently; some are heavy, while some are considerably lighter. And not just that, some accessories weigh you down more than weapons. So, if you understand how Weight Thresholds work and what to avoid, you’ll have a better experience with Lies of P.

So, what are the Weight Thresholds in Lies of P, and how do they affect your gameplay? How can you increase or decrease your Weight Threshold in Lies of P? Let’s take a closer look and find out everything you need to know!

What Do Weight Thresholds Mean in Lies of P?

Weight thresholds in Lies of P are your carrying capacity in the game. This carrying capacity or Weight Threshold is set in place to ensure you can only carry a certain number of weapons at a time. The weapons you carry define your Weight Threshold because each weapon adds a different weight. There are four different Weight Thresholds in Lies of P; let’s find out more about them.

What Are the Weight Thresholds in Lies of P | Lies of P Weight Thresholds

There are four different Weight Thresholds in Lies of P

You have four different Weight Thresholds in Lies of P -very light, light, heavy, and very heavy corresponding to 60%, 80%, 90%, and 100% Weight Threshold. The percentages in these Weight Thresholds denote the carrying capacity compared to your body weight in the game.

Here are the four different Weight Thresholds in Lies of P and what they mean:

Weight ThresholdWeightMeaning
60% Weight ThresholdLight60% of the body weight
80% Weight ThresholdSlightly Light80% of the body weight
90% Weight ThresholdHeavy90% of the body weight
100% & above Weight ThresholdVery Heavy100% of the body weight

Now that we have a clear idea of the different Weight Thresholds let’s find out how they work in Lies of P and how to manage them.

How Do Weight Thresholds Work in Lies of P?

How Do Weight Thresholds Work in Lies of P?

Your Weight Threshold in Lies of P determines and affects your movement in the game. Depending on your percentage, it might restrict your movement and speed if your percentage is high or improve it if it’s low. This feature in the game is realistic because the heavier you get, the slower it makes you, and the harder it is to move or dodge. But the main impact your Weight Threshold makes is on your rolling speed and stamina regeneration.

How To Increase Weight Limit in Lies of P?

The stat that determines your weight limit in Lies of P is Capacity. You can increase your Limit by increasing your capacity because with each point you get in capacity, your Weight Limit increases by three. Some players are okay with getting a little heavy because that usually means better inventory.

To increase your Weight Limit or Capacity, you can level up at any Stargazer except at Hotel Krat, where you need to talk to Sophia. Once your capacity stats are up, your weight limit will automatically increase. And, if you don’t want to or can’t increase your Weight Limit in Lies of P, you can make smarter choices about the weaponry you choose to carry.

Wrapping Up

So, the takeaway is that you need to maintain your Weight Threshold in Lies of P to have better attacks and dodge your opponents. What are your current Weight Thresholds, and do you want to reduce them? Comment to let me know your feedback and if you need more help with everything about Lies of P.

Happy Gaming!

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