7 Proven Tips on How to Hack the Instagram Reel Algorithm in 2022

How to Hack the Instagram Reel Algorithm? 7 Proven Tips (2022)

From posting pictures to sharing minute-long videos, Instagram can do anything. The Instagram platform is improving day by day and is coming up with exciting features. One such phenomenal feature is Instagram reels. Where you can share a creative, funny, motivational, or any other video of 15 to 30 seconds along with trending songs. Ahhhh! Sadly, just sharing a video is not enough to beat its tricky algorithm. But if you intend to become famous and want to give a tough fight to reel’s algorithm, you are at the right corner of the internet. This is all about the Proven Tips on How to Hack the Instagram Reel Algorithm in 2022 by field experts.

Instagram can be both, your friend as well as an enemy. On one hand, it allows you to gain an audience by being one of the best networking sites. On the other hand, it has a lot of terms and conditions and a terrifying algorithm that you have to crack by yourself. Thanks to the Internet experts who studied the Reel world and came up with the seven tips that work like magic.

How will these boost your reach? Do these really help to Hack the Instagram Reel Algorithm in 2022? Oh!!! So many questions. Don’t worry, you will find the answer to all these questions, below in this post.

Tips to Hack the Instagram Reel Algorithm in 2022

Yes! These tips will get you to win again the Instagram reel algorithm. So, read along the post to know why and how these tips will be helpful for your reels. So, fasten up your seat belts and here we go:

1. Create Quality Content

7 Proven Tips on How to Hack the Instagram Reel Algorithm in 2022

Yes, Create quality content!

This line is probably overstated but it is true!

When it comes to an online creation, CONTENT IS THE KING!!!

So, if you want to really hack the Instagram reel algorithm in 2022, the first step is to make content that your audience likes, otherwise you might be having thousands of followers but sadly, no one will watch your content.

Do you really aim for this??


The aim is to make your reels reach as many people as you can. So, if you want to open the doors for new followers, don’t think twice. The key to good content will definitely be helpful. And, that is what Instagram says too. But, don’t be smart, NO COPIED CONTENT!!! As Instagram knows it all.

2. Original Content to the Rescue

7 Proven Tips on How to Hack the Instagram Reel Algorithm in 2022

Oh, this!




You must have seen reels that have the watermark of other platforms and this is a huge bummer for Instagram.

What if you too have this watermark?

Don’t worry, Instagram is there to be your super savior!

But how?

One way to hack the Instagram reel algorithm would be to create using Instagram’s tools. Yes, the filters, video creating options, gifs, stickers, all can help you by avoiding the watermarks from “other” platforms.

You know what this means, right?

Well, you need to keep one thing in mind Instagram needs original content and not the one you took off from any other video-creating site.

Now, this does not mean you cannot use the other editing apps-sure you can use them to make your videos more appealing. But try to avoid watermarks.

So, Hack the Instagram reel algorithm by creating them just for Instagram! Does it make sense?

Yep, algorithms can be tricky.

3. Don’t Push the Post Button Before Proper Editing

7 Proven Tips on How to Hack the Instagram Reel Algorithm in 2022

Never Ever!

Just like we do not like lousy people, Instagram does not like lousy content!

When you are creating a reel for the gram and want it to reach more and more people, you will have to make sure it is dead appealing to the eye of the viewer. For this, you can use different video editing apps to create reels for Instagram.

Get creative with content and add transitions to your videos that will surely hack Instagram’s reel algorithm and escalate your reel’s reach!

And your work here is done, my friend! Now go post your sassy reel on Instagram!

4. Don’t Forget to Make Engaging Content

7 Proven Tips on How to Hack the Instagram Reel Algorithm in 2022

Creating engaging content can open many doors for you!

The best part is that it is only not just true for Instagram reels, but can open the lock for Instagram- AS A WHOLE!

Yes, you read it right.

If the content is the king, engagement is the queen for your reels and other Instagram content as well. Ask questions on the reels, as for advice, thoughts, and feelings of your audience. This does two things for you- increases engagement and builds a relationship with the audience.

But remember, likes and comments are not the only sources for engagement. Instead, the shares and saves matter too.

Actually, Shares and Saves matter more than Likes and comments.


Same bro, same here!

5. Always Follow Instagram’s Community Guidelines

Be legal- follow Instagram's community guidelines: Tips on How to Hack the Instagram Reel Algorithm 2021

You always have to act legally to hack the Instagram reel algorithm.

But, what does it mean to be legal?

Well, In Instagram’s language, to be legal is to make sure your post or reel follows the community guidelines of Instagram.

Your content, in this case, your reels should not be hurtful to anybody! It should not have abusive language! These should not have nudity, and some other very very crucial set of rules to be followed strictly-like the bible.

And this is how you will make yourself the god of Instagram and hack its reel algorithm as well!

6. Make Vertical Videos

Proven Tips on How to Hack the Instagram Reel Algorithm 2021

Save landscape for YouTube!!!

Wasn’t it implied?

When you are creating reels for Instagram, ALWAYS, ALWAYS prefer portrait or vertical mode.


Hey!!! It’s not rocket science!

It is because this type of video format is more friendly to the user than the landscape mode. It will give the viewer some time to also engage with your reel.

Listen up buddy, you’ve got only 30 seconds to create. In these 30 secs, do you want the viewer to rotate its phone into landscape mode and engage? Some things just do not go hand in hand.

People can still engage with a landscape reel video but make sure you have created your best!

7. Go for the Trends

Go for the trends: Tips on How to Hack the Instagram Reel Algorithm 2021

Saving the best for the last. Clever.

When it comes to hacking the Instagram reel algorithm and increasing the reach of your reel, creating content with the current trend is one of the best keys. Trends are comparatively more featured in the viewers’ feed than a normal reel video.

Use trending Instagram reel songs and music which is a treat to the ears of the viewer. Sometimes they add to the video more value than we can think.

Wrapping Up

So, these are the Expert’ tips on how to hack the Instagram reel algorithm in 2022. All these tips are proven to be effective. But do not forget that all this will take time. it is not a one-night show!!

So, it is your turn now, fasten up your seat belts get into the reel world, and rock it with these tips. But, don’t forget to tell me which tip worked best for you and share your views on them.

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