Why is BeReal Spotify Not Working & How to Fix it?

Why is Bereal Spotify Not Working & How to Fix it?

Is your BeReal social app not showing the song you are listening to on Spotify? If so, you are not alone. Many BeReal users are facing a similar issue. But you don’t need to worry as I will tell you how to fix BeReal Spotify not working in this blog. So come along!

A Reddit user writes, “I was listening to Spotify while I did my BeReal just now, and it didn’t work. It doesn’t show that I was listening to anything, has anyone had that problem? It was a podcast. Could that be why?” Many other BeReal users are complaining about a similar issue on various other platforms and are looking for ways to fix the issue at their end at the earliest.

So, without further ado, let’s jump into the article and learn why BeReal Spotify not working and how to fix it. Why wait, then? Let’s begin!

Why is BeReal Spotify Not Working?

Why BeReal Spotify Not Working?

There can be many reasons for BeReal Spotify not working, and the most possible reasons are:

1. Poor internet connection.
2. BeReal server is down.
3. A Bug or glitch.
4. Using an outdated app.
5. BeReal is not connected to Spotify.

How to Fix BeReal Spotify Not Working?

How to Fix Bereal Spotify Not Working?

Now that you know why BeReal Spotify is not working, it is time to have a look at the possible fixes that will help you resolve the issue. Keeping in mind the reasons stated above, I have come up with the fixes mentioned below. So, try these fixes and get the issue of BeReal Spotify not working resolved.

1. Check Your Internet Connection

How to Fix Bereal Spotify Not Working?

The first thing you should check to fix the issue of the BeReal Spotify app not working is your internet connection. If your internet connection is not stable, this can result in the BeReal and Spotify apps not working for you. To check your internet connectivity, you can use an online tool like SpeedTest. On checking if you find your internet speed is poor, consider connecting to a stable network to get rid of the issue you are facing with the BeReal app.

2. Check the BeReal Server Status

How to Fix Bereal Spotify Not Working?

If your internet connection is stable, the next thing you should check is the BeReal server status. If the BeReal service is suspended from the backend, you can do much to fix the issue at your own end, but wait. To check the BeReal server status, you can use an online tool like Downdetector. On checking, if you find that the service is down from the backend, wait till the service is resumed.

3. Update Your BeReal App

How to Fix BeReal Spotify Not Working?

Another thing that can result in the BeReal Spotify app not working for you is using an outdated app. Therefore, you should look for any available updates in the Google Play Store or App Store and update your app to the latest version. If there is no update available, you should log out of TextNow and then re-login after some time.

4. Uninstall and Reinstall BeReal App

If you don’t find any available updates of the BeReal app in the Play Store/App Store, you should uninstall your existing app and reinstall it again. Many a time, this simple exercise of uninstalling and reinstalling your app fixes minor issues if not caused due to a bug or glitch. So, you should try uninstalling and reinstalling your BeReal app and see if it works.

5. Reconnect Your BeReal and Spotify

If, even after updating or reinstalling the BeReal app, the issue of BeReal Spotify not working persists, then you should try disconnecting BeReal and Spotify and connecting them again. To disconnect BeReal and Spotify, go to Settings in the BeReal app and select Music. From there, disable Spotify on BeReal and wait for some time. After sometimes connect Spotify with BeReal again.

Wrapping Up

With this, I come to the end of this blog, and I hope you now know how to fix Bereal Spotify not working. So try the fixes mentioned in your article above and get the issue of BeReal Spotify not working. And yeah, for any further queries related to the BeReal app and its features, you can comment in the comments section below.

So, guys, that is it for today. Take care! And keep visiting our website, Path of EX, for more such queries related to Social media, Gaming, and Technology. Till then, Bye! Bye!

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