Why Does My Phone Say LTE Instead of 5G & How to Switch From LTE to 5G?

why does my phone say lte instead of 5g

There is no doubt about the fact that everyone wants a fast internet speed whenever they are surfing on the internet. With the growth of technology in the recent past, everyone around the world is hopping on to better network services. Earlier, 3G served us pretty well, but now the world is taken over by faster networks. In the latest news, many people have complained about their network shifting from 5G to LTE. The Internet is flooded with the question Why Does My Phone Say LTE Instead of 5G?

In this article, I will tell you about the query, why does my phone say LTE instead of 5G, and how to change from LTE to 5G.

Why Does My Phone Say LTE Instead of 5G?

Why Does My Phone Say LTE Instead of 5G

The most common cause why your phone says LTE instead of 5G is that it is linked to an LTE network and not a 5G network. LTE means Long Term Evolution and is a kind of network that provides the quickest speed internet prior to 5G.

Your phone might be switching from 5G to LTE because the area you are in does not have a 5G network. The other reason might be your service plan does not permit a 5G network.

Another possible reason why your phone keeps switching from 5G to LTE is that you might have reached your 5G data limit.

Since 5G is in its early stages, so not all devices are 5G friendly and the areas don’t have an accessible 5G network.

How do I Change My LTE to 5G?

Why Does My Phone Say LTE Instead of 5G

You can change from LTE to 5G manually on your device by following the given steps.

  1. Go to your device’s settings.
  2. Tap on the mobile data.
  3. Make sure the mobile data is turned on.
  4. Next, tap on Mobile data options.
  5. From the menu, click on voice and data.
  6. From the list of 5G On, 5G Auto, and LTE, you can choose either 5G On or 5G Auto.
  7. Go back to the previous page and tap on the data mode.
  8. Switch the options from standard to allow more data on 5G.

How to Switch from LTE to 5G

Wrapping Up

Everyone like the fast internet speed when browsing the internet watching videos or playing games online. Many people have complained about their network shifting from 5G to LTE. To know, Why Does My Phone Say LTE Instead of 5G, read the entire article and do share it with your friends!

Frequently Asked Questions

Why does my phone say LTE instead of 5G?

The most common cause why your phone says LTE instead of 5G is that it is connected to an LTE network and not a 5G network.

What does LTE stand for?

LTE stands for Long Term Evolution and it is a type of network that provides the quickest speed internet prior to 5G.

Is LTE better than a 5G network?

Compared to LTE, 5G provides faster data transmission.

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