Who Was The First Discord User? Know The First Discord User!

Who Was The First Discord User

Discord is an extremely popular platform for both gamers and streamers. Discord is one of the most endearing messaging platforms, primarily for gamers, who were the ones to discover it and decide to join. Nowadays, in Discord, you can find users of every type. As a result, Discord has advanced greatly, offering groups for every conceivable interest and subject. So, here I will tell you Who was the First Discord User?

Even though a lot occurred during the development of Discord, the main takeaway is that the developers concluded that chatting was Discord’s finest aspect. They refined this concept, made significant adjustments to their business strategy, and eventually launched Discord in 2015 as their product. Now, you can easily make small letters in Discord.

Discord has communities or servers for everyone. It includes all subjects and themes, including gaming, art, anime, movies, TV shows, cryptocurrencies, the stock market, and other things. Isn’t it exciting to know the first user of such a versatile platform? Today, in this guide, I will discuss who was the first Discord user ever. So, let’s head on!

Who Was The First Discord User?

Who Was The First Discord User

Vind was the first Discord user. Discord was first created by a stranger, and the link was posted on Reddit. The voice chat to advertise Discord was immediately launched by Citron and his boys after they joined the server. People who joined them shared on Reddit how awesome the creators were afterward.

In the midst of all this, a user going by the alias Vind decided to sign up for the service, becoming the first person to use Discord. But the TeamSpeak chat system was unapproved by everyone, including Vind and his Battlefield pals. So, they immediately uninstalled the program.

They created various groups on Discord after joining and began to share their passion for Battlefield. Discord is directly in front of us, with hundreds of thousands of communities on almost all topics after people started using it and creating communities.

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Watch Everything About Who Was the First Discord User?

Wrapping Up

So, this was all about who was the first Discord user. To be honest, you should applaud Vind for having faith in Discord. The reason is that without him, the endeavor might not succeed, and we wouldn’t have had something as cool. So let’s give a big shoutout to Vind, the first Discord user whose tiny move helped us take a giant step forward.

Frequently Asked Questions

Who invented Discord?

Since childhood, founders Jason Citron and Stan Vishnevskiy both shared a love of video games, cherishing the friendships and connections that formed while playing them. Discord started to solve a big problem: how to communicate with friends around the world while playing games online.

Can you get banned from Discord for being under 13?

Anyone under the age of 13 cannot use Discord as per our Terms of Service. If a server owner is aware and ignores it, we will take action on the server and/or owner. We need to build a wall!

Is Discord to hack easy?

It’s easy to hack Discord, but that doesn’t mean users are 100% unsafe there. While highly skilled hackers will always find their way in. Discord does its best to root out the hacking activity. Discord encourages users to report security vulnerabilities and removes malware found in security scans.

4. How Much is Discord Worth?

Once a niche platform for gamers, Discord is now worth $15 billion and looking to go public. Discord started as a tool to help gamers communicate but has since rebranded to appeal to a broader audience.

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