What iPad Do I Have: iPad Serial Number Lookup [Updated 2022]

What iPad Do I Have

When you want to buy an accessory or sell an old iPad, the first thing you want to know is the model number of your iPad. We often find ourselves stuck with the question, “What iPad do I have?” Knowing iPad serial numbers is essential for buying compatible accessories. With our list of all the iPads ever made, along with their generations and models, you will be able to identify your iPad regardless of when it was launched.

The iPad is a versatile device. You can use it for both work and leisure. And after you set up an iPad for work, be it corporate or production work, there is no going back to other devices. The utility is such that 70 percent of the professional world swears by it. Your iPad’s serial number is your iPad’s identity. And some of us are completely oblivious about our iPad model. But not for long.

Identifying which iPad you have is a rather easy task. It is written microscopically on the body itself and can also be found in the Settings of your iPad. The question, “What iPad do I have?” will be answered thoroughly.

What iPad Do I have? How to Find iPad Model Numbers?

What iPad Do I Have

Your iPad’s model number tells you what kind of iPad you own. To find the model number, you don’t even have to turn on your device; just look on the back of your iPad. Underneath the “iPad” engraving, you will see a very small print of your iPad model number. The number should start with the capital letter “A.”

If you don’t wanna stress your eyes reading the tiny print or if you are too lazy to take the cover off your device, you can use this method for iPad serial number lookup:

  1. Open Settings app
  2. Select General
  3. Tap About
  4.  In the Model Number section, you will see your iPad’s SKU number, which ends with “A.” Don’t confuse it with your iPad model number. Tap on this section to get a shorter number that starts with “A.” The answer to your “What iPad do I have” has been answered.
What iPad Do I Have

Now that you know your iPad’s model number, you can move forward to knowing what kind of iPad you have. 

What Generation is My iPad? iPad Versions and iPad Model Numbers

What iPad Do I Have

If you are wondering, “What iPad do I have?” you also want to know what generation is your iPad. I have made charts of all the iPads launched to date and segregated them according to their generations. In these lists, you can look for your iPad’s model number and easily identify which version of the iPad you own.

iPad Generation and their Models 

iPad GenerationModel Number
1st GenerationA1219, A1337
2nd GenerationA1395, A1396, A1397
3rd GenerationA1403, A1416, A1430
4th GenerationA1458, A1459, A1460
5th GenerationA1822, A1823
6th GenerationA1893, A1954
7th GenerationA2197, A2200, A2198
8th GenerationA2270, A2428, A2429, A2430
9th GenerationA2602, A2604, A2603, A2605

iPad Mini Generations and Their Model Numbers

iPad mini GenerationsModel Numbers
iPad mini 1A1432, A1454, A1455
iPad mini 2A1489, A1490, A1491
iPad mini 3A1599, A1600
iPad mini 4A1538, A1550
iPad mini 5A2133, A2124, A2126, A2125
iPad mini 6A2567, A2568, A2569

iPad Air Generations and Their Model Numbers

iPad Air GenerationsModel Numbers
iPad Air 1A1474, A1475, A1476
iPad Air 2A1566, A1567
iPad Air 3A2152, A2123, A2153, A2154
iPad Air 4A2316, A2324, A2325, A2072
iPad Air 5A2588, A2589, A2591

iPad Pro Generations and Their Model Numbers

iPad Pro GenerationsModel Numbers
iPad Pro 12.9 inch 1st GenerationA1584, A1652
iPad Pro 9.7 inchA1673, A1674, A1675
iPad Pro 10.5 inchA1701, A1709
iPad Pro 12.9 inch 2nd GenerationA1670, A1671
iPad Pro 12.9 inch 3rd GenerationA1876, A2014, A1895, A1983
iPad Pro 11 inch 1st GenerationA1980, A2013, A1934, A1979
iPad Pro 11 inch 2nd GenerationA2228, A2068, A2230, A2231
iPad Pro 12.9 inch 4th GenerationA2229, A2069, A2232, A2233
iPad Pro 11 inch 3rd GenerationA2377, A2459, A2301, A2460
iPad Pro 12.9 inch 5th GenerationA2378, A2461, A2379, A2462

What iPad Do I Have?

Wrapping Up

I hope you got enough information for your query; “What iPad do I have?” It is very important to remember that there are iPads of the same name but they can be of different generations. Once you know the model number and the generation, you can move ahead and buy the accessories for your new iPad. It is always recommended to stay up to date with the newest iPad if you are using it for work. 

How to Find iPad Model Numbers?

Settings app > General > About 

In the Model Number section, you will see your iPad’s SKU number which ends with “A”. Don’t confuse it with your iPad model number. Tap on this section to get a shorter number that starts with “A”. You will get the iPad model number.

How do I know exactly which iPad I have?

All you have to do is go to Settings > General > About. The model number is in the top section.

How long should an iPad last?

According to Lifewire, five years is the standard lifespan of any iPad. 

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