Is Seer Gay in Apex Legends | What is Seer’s Gender in Apex?

Is Seer gay in Apex Legends: Seer’s Gender and much more

With the arrival of Apex Legends Season 10, there was an introduction of a new character “Seer”. Seer is a beautiful character yet one with lots of speculations, especially on Seer’s Gender. Is Seer yet another character part of the LGBT+ community? Is Seer gay in Apex Legends? 

Gamers haven’t had proper information about whether or not the recently introduced character, “Seer” is gay or not! Some players simply gave one look at the character and decided Seer’s gender was Gay, however, is that the case?

For those who don’t already know, Seer is a handsome hunk of a man with a dark history. It leads him to be shunned by society, and while we don’t know why, some people speculate that it’s because of Seer’s gender. The reason does not make sense to me personally, so I went on to do some digging, and below are all the facts I came across on “Is Seer gay in Apex Legends”.

Who Is Seer | What Is His Gender?

Seer, also known as Obi Edolasim, is an artist whose unusual powers enable him to see adversaries on the battlefield. Seer can hear the heartbeats of foes and can call out micro-drones to disclose enemy positions through walls in the game. Micro-drones can also be used to locate enemies within a vast radius throughout the game.

Is Seer gay in Apex Legends: Is Seer Pansexual in Apex Legends game, who is seer in Apex Legends game

Seer is a “champion of the misfits” that was first featured in a magnificent “Metamorphosis” animated short, and the current vignette depicts him in action.  He is the eighteenth Legend to join the team. Seer’s gender has caused discussions and speculations, so we are offering you an answer to “is Seer gay in Apex Legends” below.

Why Do Some Players Think Seer Is Gay?

Is Seer an LGBTQ character in Apex Legends? Is Seer Gay in Apex Legends? This is a type of question that many Apex Legends players have pondered on. There are a lot of people saying that Seer is gay because of his design, rather than his actual sexuality. 

Is Seer gay in Apex Legends: Is Seer Pansexual in Apex Legends game, why do some people think Seer in Apex Legends in gay

Some people speculate that the Seer isn’t a masculine hero and that its design is too feminine. However, such remarks don’t hold any ground in the real world as well as the Apex Legend world considering that two of the game’s most masculine characters are both homosexual and pansexual.

Ever since the beginning, Apex Legends has offered many exceptional LGBT+ characters. We have observed an array of gay characters and even a cute little queer love triangle in the game. Also, let’s not forget all the exceptionally beautiful characters in the game. But what about Seer? Is Seer gay in Apex Legends? Let’s find out!

Is Seer Gay In Apex Legends

So, Is Seer Gay In Apex Legends?

Apex Legends is full of interesting characters that make the gaming experience even more fun. Players have a series of characters to choose from depending on their preferences. There are different characters that are Gay, Lesbian, Pansexual, Non-binary, and Heterosexual. However, the sexuality of a new character is often questioned by players to better understand them. This is exactly what happened with Seer. Gamers had questions like “Is Seer Gay in Apex Legends”. If you did too, then read on!

Amanda Doiron, head writer at Apex developer Respawn, was questioned on Twitter about the character’s sexuality, to which she replied, “Seer looks into the hearts of individuals and is not limited to a certain gender.”

So, is Seer in Apex Legends gay? No, as it was later verified that Seer is pansexual through the tweet. Seer joins the cast of Fuse as a pansexual character, joining Bloodhound (non-binary), Loba (bisexual), Gibraltar (gay), and Valkyrie (gay) (lesbian).”

The Backstory Of Seer In Apex Legends: Is Seer Gay in Apex Legends

The Backstory Of Seer In Apex Legends

Seer’s real name in Apex Legends is Obi Edolasim. He is a beautiful character with a dark past. The seer was considered a cursed child due to a prophecy and his piercing blue eyes. Obi’s parents cared for him despite the misgivings of their community, and he was eventually lured to the Arenas and Apex Games, where he could unleash his full potential.

At this point, Seer is an established champion of the Arenas, and he is making his debut appearance in the Apex Games, where he will meet the other Legends. 

Who Is Seer Voiced By In Apex Legends? Is Seer Gay in Apex Legends

Who Is Seer Voiced By In Apex Legends?

Iké Amadi, a Nigerian voice actor who has also starred in Knack, Injustice 2, Mass Effect 3, and Mortal Kombat 11, provides the English voice for Seer. His earliest video game voice acting jobs date back to 2008’s 007: Quantum of Solace. Iké has done an exceptional job of bringing Seer to life in-game and in trailers because of his extensive experience.

Wrapping Up

Apex Legends is an epic game that has a character for each one of us. We can choose from 18 different yet interesting characters based on our preferences. However, recent addition of “Seer as a character to Apex Legends has caused for speculations and people are wondering “Is Seer Gay in Apex Legends” Seer has been a great addition to the characters list, making it even more versatile. 

Seer is definitely a great and powerful character in Apex Legends. I for one, am in love with his style and Seer’s character. What are your thoughts on Seer? Comment down below.


1. Is Seer Pansexual?

The lead writer for Apex Legends Respawn confirmed verified that Seer is pansexual through the comment “Seer sees to the heart of people and doesn’t limit himself to a specific gender.”

2. Which Apex Characters are LGBTQ?

Apex Legends have various characters that belong to LGBTQ community. The characters are as follows:

Bloodhound. (Non-Binary)
Gibraltar. (Gay)
Valkyrie. (Lesbian)
Loba. (Bisexual)
Seer. (Pansexual)

3. Who is Good with SEER Apex?

Bloodhound is one of the best legends to pair with Seer because it can utilize its skills to throw a large net and determine the approximate position of adversaries. Then, Seer can utilize his powers to locate the exact location of the opposing team.

Additionally, Bangalore is surprisingly advantageous and a good character to pair with Seer as well.

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