How to Turn On or Off 2FA on Discord | PC, Mac, Android & iOS

How to Turn On or Off 2FA on Discord | PC, Mac, Android & iOS

Discord is another way to communicate or connect with your friends. It is updating its feature day by day. Now, you can make your discord account more secure with a two-factor authentication feature (2FA). Don’t know How to Turn On or Off 2FA on Discord? Go along with the article.

Two-factor authentication of Discord is the same as Instagram, Snapchat, Twitter, and other social platforms. Two-factor authentication makes your account more secure, especially when you know passwords can easily be hacked with modern tech. But turning on 2FA on discord reduce the chances of hacking.

Two-factor authentication reduces the chance of hacking and gives you an alert whenever you log in to your account. It asked for codes or 6-digit OTP. Now, let’s see How to Turn On or Off 2FA on Discord? Follow article.

How to Turn On or Off 2FA on Discord | Android & iOS

Turning on or off 2FA on discord is as simple as you do it on other social media platforms. Move further and know How to turn on or off 2FA on discord using android or iOS.

How to Turn On or Off 2FA on Discord | PC, Mac, Android & iOS

Steps To Turn On 2FA On discord Using Android & iOS

  1. Open Discord App.
  2. Login to your account.
  3. Swipe right.
  4. Tap on the profile picture.
  5. Go to “My Account.”
  6. Select Enable two-factor authentication.
  7. Install Authy and Google authenticator.
  8. Enter code or Scan code.
  9. When the code is accepted, 2FA will be activated.
  10. Tap the blue button “Enable SMS Authentication”

Steps To Turn Off 2FA On Discord Using Android & iOS

How to Turn On or Off 2FA on Discord | PC, Mac, Android & iOS
  1. Open Discord App.
  2. Login to your account.
  3. Swipe right.
  4. Tap on the profile picture.
  5. Go to “My Account.”
  6. Select option “remove 2FA.”
  7. Enter the Backup code or OTP.

How to Turn On or Off 2FA on Discord | PC & Mac

Turning on or off 2FA on discord is as simple as you do it on other social media platforms. Move further and know How to turn on or off 2FA on discord using PC or Mac.

Steps To Turn On 2FA On Discord Using PC & Mac 

  1. Open the discord app or discord website.
  2. Login to your account.
  3. Go to the user setting.
  4. Go to “My Account.”
  5. Select Enable two-factor authentication.
  6. Install Authy and Google authenticator.
  7. Enter code or Scan code.
  8. When the code is accepted, 2FA will be activated.
  9. Download Backup Code.
How to Turn On or Off 2FA on Discord | PC, Mac, Android & iOS

Steps To Turn Off 2FA On Discord Using PC & Mac 

  1. Open Discord App.
  2. Login to your account.
  3. Tap on the profile picture.
  4. Go to “My Account.”
  5. Select option “remove 2FA.”
  6. Enter the Backup code or OTP.

Wrapping Up

I hope this discord guide on How to turn on or off 2FA on discord has solved all your queries. So, what are you waiting for? Go and turn on or off 2FA on discord. You can also read other discord articles on Path Of EX and get the resolution of your different Discord queries.


How To Turn On 2FA On discord Using Android & iOS?

Steps To Turn On 2FA On discord Using Android & iOS are-
1. Open Discord App.
2. Login to your account.
3. Swipe right.
4. Tap on the profile picture.
5. Go to “My Account.”
6. Select Enable two-factor authentication.
7. Install Authy and Google authenticator.
8. Enter code or Scan code.
9. When the code is accepted, 2FA will be activated.
10. Tap the blue button “Enable SMS Authentication”

How To Turn On 2FA On Discord Using PC & Mac?

Steps To Turn On 2FA On Discord Using PC & Mac are-
1. Open the discord app or discord website.
2. Login to your account.
3. Go to the user setting.
4. Go to “My Account.”
5. Select Enable two-factor authentication.
6. Install Authy and Google authenticator.
7. Enter code or Scan code.
8. When the code is accepted, 2FA will be activated.
9. Download the Backup Code.

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