WhatsApp is the go-to messaging platform that has changed the way the entire world used to message and communicate with each other. WhatsApp app is frequently updated to keep up with the needs of its growing audience. In the recent news, WhatsApp has launched WhatsApp multiple accounts feature. To learn about the feature and how to set up multiple accounts on WhatsApp, go through this blog thoroughly.
Much to the delight of the user, Meta has announced that WhatsApp will now have multiple accounts feature. The feature will allow a user to have two WhatsApp accounts and switch between them easily on the same device. The feature has been in demand for quite some time and is now directly aimed at users who have different WhatsApp accounts on different devices. With the feature, a user can easily switch between their work and personal accounts on the same device.
So, without further ado, let’s dig in to learn about multiple accounts on WhatsApp feature and how to set up multiple accounts on WhatsApp.
In This Article
What is the Multiple Accounts Feature on WhatsApp?
It is raining new features on WhatsApp!! Just recently, WhatsApp announced that the platform will support passkey protection now, and in the latest update, you can switch between multiple accounts on WhatsApp from your device only. The news was announced by the CEO of Meta, Mark Zuckerberg.
The multiple accounts feature will give you the ability to switch between accounts on Android. The feature is quite handy as it won’t require a user to carry another device, which was necessary earlier.
Switching with multiple accounts on WhatsApp will help a user manage conversations across multiple accounts in an effective way. For example, if you have two different WhatsApp accounts for work and personal messaging on different devices, you can now easily manage both these accounts on one device. It is to be noted that the feature is rolling out in the coming weeks.
How to Set Up Multiple Accounts on WhatsApp?
Now that we have understood the basic function of the multiple accounts feature on WhatsApp, it is time to know the ways to set up multiple accounts on WhatsApp. Follow the steps mentioned below to set up multiple accounts on WhatsApp.
- According to Meta, a user still needs a separate phone number and SIM card (or a phone that accepts multi-SIM or eSIM) in case they want to set up a second account.
- A user will also require a second phone or its SIM card to receive the one-time passcode that WhatsApp will send via SMS to gain access to their second account on a different device. This process is for initial verification; the app will continue to work for both accounts without the second device or SIM.
- Launch WhatsApp on your device.
- Head to your WhatsApp settings, click on the arrow next to their name, and select Add account.
- Users can then customize their privacy and notification settings for each account separately, and voila, you have successfully set up multiple accounts on WhatsApp.
As a reminder to its user, WhatsApp also said that there are many imitations or fake versions as a way of getting more accounts on their phone, but do not download them. Only an official app ensures the security and privacy of users’ messages.
It is to be noted that the feature is currently available for only Android users. The feature will be rolled out in a phased manner. In order to get the multiple accounts feature on WhatsApp, make sure to update the WhatsApp application on your App Store or Google’s Play Store.
Wrapping Up
WhatsApp is a popular messaging app and is known for its frequent updates. A user can easily send messages and make calls on WhatsApp. WhatsApp has now introduced that the platform will now have multiple accounts feature. To learn about multiple accounts on WhatsApp feature and how to set up multiple accounts on WhatsApp, read the entire article and share it with your friends.
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Frequently Asked Questions
1. Can I have 2 WhatsApp accounts on one device?
Yes, a user can now have two WhatsApp accounts on one device. Â To set up a second account, you will need a second phone number and SIM card or a phone that accepts multi-SIM or eSIM.
2. Can you link 4 WhatsApp accounts?
Yes, WhatsApp allows a user to link their WhatsApp account on four devices.
3. What is the difference between WhatsApp and WhatsApp Business?
WhatsApp Business is a separate app version of WhatsApp aimed specifically at businesses.