How to See When You Started Following Someone on Instagram: 6 Foolproof Ways Explained

How to See When You Started Following Someone on Instagram

An Instagram feature that adds an extra layer of intrigue to your user experience is the follower and following tabs. Have you ever wondered who started following whom and when? If you’re nodding along, then you’ve come to the right place. Today, I am going to take you through the fascinating world of Instagram and let you know how to see when you started following someone on Instagram.

Instagram’s follower and following tabs are like the heartbeat of the platform. They’re the tabs we all keep returning to because we’re curious creatures. We want to know who recently followed someone on Instagram; we’re eager to find out if Instagram is secretly revealing the names of profile viewers, and some of us even dream of uncovering the IP addresses of Instagram users. It’s like we’re detectives on a mission to uncover the hidden truths of our favorite social media platform.

If you’re one of those curious souls itching to know “how to see when you started following someone on Instagram,” you’ve hit the jackpot. Get ready to embark on a quest for answers, and let’s unravel the mystery together.

Can You See When You Started Following Someone on Instagram?

How to See When You Started Following Someone on Instagram

You might be curious about whether can you see when you started following someone on Instagram or when someone started following you. This can be useful information, especially if you want to know how long you have been connected with someone or what kind of content they share.

However, Instagram does not make this information available to you directly. There is no option or feature in the app that shows you when you started following someone on Instagram or vice versa. This might seem frustrating but don’t worry. There are some workarounds that can help you see when you started following someone on Instagram!

These methods use different tools and techniques to access your Instagram data and activity history. For example, some methods might require you to download an app or sign in to a website, while others rely on knowing the dates of people you followed before and after your target person. 

How to See When You Started Following Someone on Instagram?

How to See When You Started Following Someone on Instagram

In this section, I will explain each method in detail and help you choose the best one for your needs. By the end of this article, you will be able to see when you started following someone on Instagram or when someone started following you with ease and accuracy. So, stay tuned and keep reading to learn how to see when you started following someone on Instagram!

1. See When You Started Following Someone on Instagram Using Your Instagram Activity Data

How to See When You Started Following Someone on Instagram

So, you’re eager to find out when you first hit that follow button on Instagram and how to see how long you’ve been following someone on Instagram? Well, one of the ways, and the first one on my list, to uncover this hidden treasure is by tapping into your Instagram activity data.

This data is like a secret vault of information that Instagram collects and stores about your account and all your Instagram antics. But how do you access it? Let me break it down for you:

Step 01: Open the Instagram app and go to your profile by tapping the profile icon in the bottom right corner.

Step 02: Tap the hamburger icon in the top right corner and select Your Activity from the menu.

Step 03: Scroll down and tap Download your information at the bottom of the screen.

Step 04: Select your profile if you have multiple ones, and proceed with the download request.

Step 05: Choose Followers and Following from the list of information types to download.

Step 06: Customize the download settings by selecting HTML format, Medium Media quality, and all-time data range.

Step 07: Hit Submit Request and wait for Instagram to prepare your data. This might take some time.

Step 08: Once your data is ready, check your email for a download link. Open it on your computer and download the zip file.

Step 09: Extract the zip file and open the index.html file in a web browser.

Step 10: Click on Followers and Following to view the list of accounts you’ve followed, along with the date and time of each action. Use the browser’s search function to find a specific account and see when you started following them.

But hey, keep in mind that this method can be a bit time-consuming and tedious. Plus, you’ll need access to a computer or laptop to download and view your data. If you’re looking for a quicker or easier alternative, hang tight! I have got some other tricks. Keep reading this article to find the method that suits you best.

2. See When You Started Following Someone on Instagram Using Instagram Feed Post

How to See When You Started Following Someone on Instagram

If you’re scratching your head and shouting, “When did I follow someone on Instagram?” Here is another sneaky way to see when you started following someone on Instagram. All you gotta do is check out their feed post.

When you follow a new account, a special post pops up on your home feed. It’s got their profile pic, their name, and the post that they shared after you followed them. If you can track down that post in your feed, boom! You’ll get an idea when you hit that follow button on their profile. Let me show you how:

Step 01: Open the Instagram app and navigate to your home feed by tapping the house icon located at the bottom left corner of the screen.

Step 02: Scroll through your feed and keep an eye out for their post. Depending on how long ago you followed them or the number of accounts you follow, you might need to scroll a bit.

Step 03: Once you spot their oldest post on your feed, tap on it to access more details. At the bottom of the post, you will find the date and time when you started following the account.

Bonus Tip: Some users might actually see a post that says, “You started following [account name].” It’s like a little Instagram treat. But hey, not everyone gets to enjoy this feature. It’s like a secret club, and if you’re in luck, you might just be a part of it.

While this method can give you a general idea, it’s not a walk in the park to find that exact post in your feed. Instagram can mix up the order of posts in your feed, so the oldest post may not be your first one. And Instagram might delete posts over time, which means that precious old posts might not even be available anymore. So, just a heads up, it’s not always foolproof and straightforward.

Don’t worry; there are still ways that will help you know how to see how long you’ve been following someone on Instagram. Keep on reading.

3. See When You Started Following Someone on Instagram by Sorting Your Followers List

How to See When You Started Following Someone on Instagram

The third and easiest way to see when you started following someone on Instagram is here. It’s all about sorting your followers’ list by date. This nifty trick shows you the order in which you followed accounts, from the very beginning to the latest or vice versa. It’s like a time machine for your Instagram timeline! Here’s how you can sort your Instagram following list:

Step 01: Open the Instagram app and tap on your profile icon at the bottom right corner of the screen. You know the drill, right?

Step 02: On your profile screen, tap on Following at the top. Boom! Now you’ve got a list of all the accounts you follow.

Step 03: Here comes the fun part. Tap on Sort by at the top of the list and choose one of the Date followed options. You’ve got two choices — Date followed: Earliest or Date followed: Latest. Take your pick!

Step 04: Time to scroll through the list and find the account you’re curious about. If you’re in a hurry, just use the search function at the top to speed things up.

Step 05: Now comes the detective work. Compare the position of that account in the list with others that you remember following at specific times. Let’s say you followed Account A in March 2023 and Account B in May 2023. If the account you’re checking is sandwiched between them in the list, you can make an educated guess that you hit that follow button in April 2023.

This method gives you a ballpark estimate of when you started following someone on Instagram. However, it can be a bit inaccurate and not entirely reliable. You gotta rely on your memory to compare follow dates, which can be a challenge. If you want something more precise and dependable, check out some of the other methods in this article.

4. See When You Started Following Someone on Instagram by Checking the Instagram Post Likes and Comments

How to See When You Started Following Someone on Instagram

Alright, here’s another trick to see when you hit that follow button on Instagram: check out their post likes and comments. The idea here is that you probably showed some love and dropped a comment on their posts right after you followed them. So, if you can track down that first post you engaged with, you can unveil the mysteries of your follow timeline. Here’s how you can make it happen:

Step 01: Open the Instagram app and head straight to the profile of the person you’re investigating. Just tap on their profile pic or name.

Step 02: Start scrolling through their posts, and keep your eyes peeled for that special post — the one where you first liked or commented

Step 03: Once you’ve found that post, give it a tap to get all the juicy details. Look down at the bottom of the post, and there you’ll see the date and time it was posted.

This method isn’t foolproof. Instagram likes to play tricks sometimes and messes with the order of posts in your feed. So that oldie-but-goodie might not actually be the first post you laid eyes on. And here’s the kicker, Instagram might even delete posts as time goes on, so that golden gem might not even be there anymore. If you’re still on the hunt for answers, here are a few extra tips:

Check out your direct messages with the person. The date of your first chat can give you a rough estimate of when the follow-fest began.

Remember any screenshots of your Instagram feed? Dig ’em up and look for the date when that person’s account popped up. Channel your inner detective!

Got any friends or followers who also follow the person in question? Don’t hesitate to hit ’em up and ask when they joined the follow party. Sometimes, a little help from your buddies goes a long way.

So, there you have it! This method might not be 100% accurate, but it’s a good starting point. If you want something more reliable or precise, check out the other methods in this article.

5. See When You Started Following Someone on Instagram by Asking the Person

How to See When You Started Following Someone on Instagram

Alright, if you’re still scratching your head and wondering, “When did I follow someone on Instagram?” Don’t sweat it, my friend. There’s one last, the simplest way to see when you started following someone on Instagram is to get the answer straight from the horse’s mouth: ask them directly. Yup, it’s as easy as that. Here’s how you can do it:

Contact the person via Instagram DM, or any other medium and ask them friendly when you hit that follow button and send it off. 

Sit back, relax, and wait for their reply. They might dig into their Insta notifications or activity data to find the answer. They might even remember it if it was a special occasion or something memorable. It’s all about their memory and willingness to help.

Once they spill the beans, show your appreciation and thank them for their answer. Use the date and time they provided as the holy grail of your follow timeline. Voilà, mystery solved!

Alright, here’s the real talk. This method can actually give you the exact date and time when you started following someone on Instagram, but it all depends on their cooperation and availability. You gotta have a good relationship with them and feel comfortable asking this question. And hey, sometimes people may not be so forthcoming with the info. So, keep that in mind.

6. See When You Started Following Someone on Instagram Using Third-Party Apps

How to See When You Started Following Someone on Instagram

If you’re curious about when you hit that follow button on Instagram, you might come across some third-party apps claiming to spill the beans. These apps promise all sorts of Instagram-related info, like your followers, unfollowers, likes, comments, and more. Some even claim to reveal when you started following someone or when they followed you. Check out a few examples:

Followers & Unfollowers: This app lets you peep who’s following, unfollowing, or blocking you on Insta. It claims to spill the tea on when you followed or unfollowed someone.

Reports+: This app gets all analytical on your Instagram stats, including followers, unfollowers, likes, comments, and views. Supposedly, it also dishes out the deets on when you followed or unfollowed someone.

FollowMeter: This app claims to track your Instagram account’s growth, keeping tabs on followers, unfollowers, likes, comments, and more. They say they can reveal when you hit that follow button or decided to part ways. 

Before you get all hyped up about these apps, I gotta drop some truth bombs. I don’t recommend using ’em, and here’s why:

First off, these apps ain’t authorized or endorsed by Instagram. Using them could violate Instagram’s terms of service, putting your account at risk of being banned or hacked. 

Secondly, these apps might ask you to share your login details. That means they can get their hands on your personal info and see what you’re up to on Instagram.

Lastly, don’t rely too heavily on these apps’ accuracy or reliability. They might dish out outdated or incorrect info or straight-up fail to work properly. 

Steer clear of these third-party apps if you’re looking to find out when you started following someone or when they started following you. It’s just not worth the risk, my friend. Instead, try out some of the other methods I’ve shared above for a safer and more trustworthy approach. Stay smart, and keep your Instagram journey legit!

Wrapping Up

That wraps up the various methods I’ve mentioned to help you figure out how to see when you started following someone on Instagram. From checking Instagram feed posts to sorting your followers list and even asking the person directly, there are multiple ways to uncover that information. Now it’s your turn! Let me know in the comments which method you found most useful or if you have any other tips to share. I’d love to hear from you!

If you’re into social media, gaming, and technology, I’ve got just the thing for you. Check out Path of EX, where our awesome team shares guides and articles on all things related to these exciting topics. Whether you’re looking for tips to level up your social media game, want to stay updated with the latest gaming trends, or geek out over the newest tech gadgets, we’ve got you covered. 

Frequently Asked Questions

1. Is there a way to find out when someone started following on Instagram?

Unfortunately, there’s no straightforward way to know when someone started following you on Instagram or when you started following them. 

2. How can I see who my boyfriend started following on Instagram?

If you wanna know who your boyfriend started following on Instagram, here’s a trick. Check out his followers’ list and sort it by date. It’ll show you the accounts he followed, from the oldest to the newest or the other way around. If he’s cool enough to share his activity data with you, you can dig into that too. 

3. Is Instagram following in Chronological order?

On Instagram, the following list ain’t all in order like a timeline. It’s all about relevance, you know? Instagram sorts it based on who you interact with the most or who shares your interests. 

4. What order is someone’s following list on Instagram?

By default, Instagram sorts someone’s following list based on what’s relevant to them. It’s all about showing the accounts they interact with the most or the ones that match their interests. 

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