How To Give Bad Advice In BitLife | Cons Of Giving Bad Advice

How To Give Bad Advice In BitLife

Advising friends or family in BitLife may not come to mind immediately. But it can turn out things for the best. It might also worsen things if you wish to be erratic and nasty while giving advice. Let’s learn How To Give Bad Advice in BitLife and its cons in this article below.

BitLife constantly asks users to make choices and select scenarios without considering the consequences, frequently affecting their friendships, relationships, or overall quality of life. While the majority of these thoughtful choices will inspire your Bitizen to live their best life, occasionally, you’ll find yourself in charge of your buddies, which opens up a whole new can of worms.

It’s wrong to give bad advice, but at times it’s important to win too. So scroll through the article and learn How To Give Bad Advice In BitLife. In order to learn how to give your pals poor advice, continue reading.

How to Give Bad Advice in BitLife?

Sadly, giving terrible and bad advice in BitLife depends on a random life event that takes place in the game. There is no activity to choose or cue to set off to give this advice. Your friends, relatives, or coworkers might ask you for help at some point about anything from finding a new job to altering their identity and fleeing the country, hence, to provide bad advice, you must choose the most outlandish option from the provided prompts.

How To Give Bad Advice In BitLife

Hence, while it’s uncertain when you’ll have the chance to give incorrect advice, it’s easy to pull off when it does. Of course, choosing the choice that will have the worst result, like advising a friend to break up with their partner and move abroad, is undoubtedly awful advice, but regardless of how absurd this may seem, you will still have to deal with the repercussions.

What are the Disadvantages of Giving Bad Advice in BitLife?

How To Give Bad Advice In BitLife | Cons Of Giving Bad Advice

Like with other relationships in BitLife, your choices will have a significant impact. But giving Advice In BitLife will lead you to many consequences and even losing people. Now scroll down and check out the cons of giving bad advice in BitLife.

  • Giving bad advice may cause you to lose some of your peer’s esteem, which takes time to regain.
  • Occasionally, following this awful advice might permanently break your friendship, so choose your pals carefully.
  • You risk sacrificing everyone in your vicinity for your good.

Wrapping Up

It’s a wrap! Here is everything about How to Give Bad Advice in BitLife all you need to know about how to give bad advice in BitLife. Check out Path of EX if you want to read more gaming-related articles. If you have any queries regarding this, let us know in the comments below.

Happy Gaming!

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