Overwatch 2 Xbox Achievement Disconnect Error Solved | How To Fix Getting Kicked Out in Overwatch 2?

Kicked Out In Overwatch 2 After Earning Xbox Achievement

This week saw the release of Overwatch 2, and since then, there have been some heated debates about the game and its multiple Overwatch 2 errors. Overwatch 2 is going through a major error on Xbox. Overwatch 2 players on Xbox are getting disconnected for earning achievements. Some players are just irritated with the persistent Overwatch 2 error, while some people are outraged about the Overwatch 2 monetization plan. 

Players on all platforms are generally being impacted by this Overwatch 2 technical error. The servers were the main issue in the first few days following the release of Overwatch 2. It was causing long wait times and making it nearly impossible for most players to access the game. Since the game’s bumpy launch, Blizzard has taken Overwatch 2 offline numerous times for maintenance. As a consequence, things appear to have significantly stabilized. 

However, some of Overwatch 2 errors are platform-specific, such as a bug that prevents Xbox players from completing achievements in the game. Many Xbox users of Overwatch 2 are reporting a problem wherein obtaining an accomplishment causes a disconnect and re-boots them to the home screen. After being kicked out in Overwatch 2 after earning an Xbox achievement, the game will not let you play again until you reset the Xbox console’s other MAC address.

Why am I Getting Kicked from Overwatch 2 After Getting an Achievement | Overwatch Current Error

Kicked Out In Overwatch 2 After Earning Xbox Achievement

Overwatch 2 already had a difficult start with DDoS attacks and lengthy player lineups. A new issue has emerged with Overwatch 2 achievements: disconnecting players from the game and server queue. Getting kicked out in overwatch 2 after earning an Xbox achievement is creating a huge fuss among players.

How To Fix Getting Disconnected For Earning Achievements Overwatch Error?

Overwatch 2 players on Xbox are getting disconnected for earning achievements. This isn’t a big concern for most Overwatch 2 game styles. While the Overwatch 2 Quick Play and Arcade modes are irritating, the risks aren’t really high. With Overwatch 2’s Competitive mode, this really starts to become an issue. A player receives a temporary suspension for 10 minutes if they disconnect from an Overwatch 2 Competitive game and cannot rejoin it in time. In essence, this means that Xbox users are being kicked out of overwatch 2 after earning an Xbox achievement.

Kicked Out In Overwatch 2 After Earning Xbox Achievement

This Overwatch 2 error obviously has the most influence on new Overwatch 2 players on Xbox than the old Overwatch players. The good news for those playing competitively in Overwatch 2 is that new players cannot enter the Competitive until they have won 50 Quick Play matches. At least until Blizzard solves the achievement problem in the game, this restriction may frustrate some players, but it does have one benefit. For your information, early access to Overwatch 2 is currently available on Xbox One, PC, PS4, PS5, Switch, and Xbox Series X.

Ways To Solve Overwatch 2 Disconnect Error on Xbox?

Kicked Out In Overwatch 2 After Earning Xbox Achievement

Yesterday, after the release of Overwatch 2, it became clear pretty immediately that quite a few players wouldn’t be able to play the game. This was primarily due to stability issues and two DDoS assaults, which resulted in significant server waits. However, as things began to calm down and players were able to begin playing the game, a new Overwatch 2 error surfaced. Overwatch 2 players on Xbox are getting disconnected for earning achievements. But don’t worry; developers are already working on this Overwatch 2 error. Sooner than later, you will be able to play the game without any hindrance.

How To Turn Off Game Achievement Notifications On Xbox Series?

After Overwatch 2 launched, players on Xbox were getting disconnected for earning achievements. Meanwhile, many players are suggesting turning off game achievement notifications on Xbox might solve this Overwatch 2 error. So, here are the steps to turn off game achievement notifications on Xbox.

Kicked Out In Overwatch 2 After Earning Xbox Achievement

Steps To Turn Off Xbox Achievement Notifications On Windows –

  • Launch the “Xbox Console Companion” App
  • Select Settings (Gear icon) in the left-hand menu.
  • In the upper menu, select “Notifications”.
  • Uncheck “Achievements”

Steps To Turn Off Xbox Achievement Notifications On Android –

  • Open “Settings”
  • Select “Apps”
  • Select Microsoft Solitaire Collection
  • Uncheck the “Show Notifications” option
Kicked Out In Overwatch 2 After Earning Xbox Achievement

Steps To Turn Off Xbox Achievement Notifications On iOS –

  • Enter Settings
  • Select “Notifications”
  • Select Microsoft Solitaire Collection from your Application list
  • Switch the Slider for ‘Allow Notifications’ to off.

Wrapping Up

This issue of getting disconnected for earning achievements on Xbox is annoying but definitely temporary. So, just have a little patience. Soon there will be a permanent solution to it. Hopefully, you have found everything you were looking for regarding Overwatch 2 error. Also, don’t forget to share this article with whoever struggling with Overwatch 2 error. Have a good day!

Frequently Asked Questions

1. What Is Overwatch 2 Current Error?

Overwatch 2 already had a difficult start with DDoS attacks and lengthy player lineups. A new issue has emerged with Overwatch 2 achievements: disconnecting players from the game and server queue. Getting kicked out in overwatch 2 after earning an Xbox achievement is creating a huge fuss among players.

2. How To Solve Overwatch 2 Error On Xbox?

Overwatch 2 players on Xbox are getting disconnected for earning achievements. But, don’t worry, developers are already working on this Overwatch 2 error. Sooner than later you will be able to play the game without any hindrance.

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