Hogwarts Legacy Troll Bogie Location: How To Find & What They Cost?

Hogwarts Legacy Troll Bogie Location

The Hogwarts Legacy is a game that is grabbing the attention of Harry Potter fans who wish to live the life of a wizard. The game is crafted keeping in mind the legendary Hogwarts school and its environment. Here I have curated an article on the Hogwarts Legacy Troll Bogie Location. It helps you to find the troll bogies on Hogwarts.

In Hogwarts Legacy, you may get asked by the sorting hat or methods to catch the flying pages on Hogwarts. I have included all the information which would help you to find the troll bogies on the platform. After all, the game is built with amazing locations.

Read ahead, and you will get to know the easy ways to know the Hogwarts Legacy troll bogie location. I am sure the information will be helpful, and you can even share it with your friends who are crazy about Hogwarts.

Hogwarts Legacy Troll Bogie Location | How to Find Troll Bogie?

If you wish to know where to find troll bogie in Hogwarts Legacy, you have to use two ways for the same.

  1. You can buy the troll bogeys in J Pippin’s portion in Hogsmeade.
  2. You can defeat trolls which you will get in the troll lair locations. There you would find the troll bogeys on the ground after the battle.

Where to Find a Troll in Hogwarts Legacy | Hogwarts Legacy Troll Bogie Location

You will find the troll bogeys in feldcroft on the east of the map and Poidsear Castle floo flame south of the map.

If you want to beat a troll in Hogwarts legacy, you need to take down the high HP bars with the use of a specific spell. After that, you can take the troll bogeys as a reward.

How Much Troll Bogeys Cost in Hogwarts Legacy?

How to Find Hogwarts Legacy Troll Bogie Location & How Much They Cost?

The troll bogeys from J Pippins portion would cost you 100 Galleons each. You will also find the troll bogeys in the troll lair locations, which are dens inhabited by trolls. It helps you to farm troll bogeys.

Wrapping Up

So, I believe the article Hogwarts legacy troll bogie location has helped you to locate the troll bogeys for you. You can now use the location while you play the game. You will get more information regarding the Hogwarts Legacy on our website, Path of EX.

Frequently Asked Questions

Where is the Hogwarts Legacy Troll Bogie Location?

You can buy the troll bogeys in J Pippin’s portion in Hogsmeade. And you can also defeat trolls which you will get in the troll lair locations.

How much does the troll bogeys cost?

The troll bogeys from J Pippins portion would cost you 100 Galleons each. You will also find the troll bogeys in the troll lair locations, which are dens inhabited by trolls.

How can you beat the troll in Hogwarts legacy?

If you want to beat a troll in Hogwarts legacy, you need to take down the high HP bars with the use of a specific spell. After that, you can take the troll bogeys as a reward.

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