All Carrot Weather Secret Locations Unlocked!!

Carrot Weather Secret Locations-Every Answer You Need to Know

The Carrot Weather app is one of the most interesting and powerful weather apps with a bundle of features in it. There are some extravagant features, such as location list forecast, tab bar customization, new layout sections, and so many more. There is an option in the Carrot Weather app that provides you with secret locations to hunt down places like the pyramid, the moon, and Chornobyl on a world map. This article will tell you the Carrot Weather secret locations you cannot find on your own.

There are so many things that you can find in this app with so precise and accurate forecasts. You also get the option to change the layout, add data points, etc. Additionally, you can also unlock the achievements by experiencing weather events and traveling around the world.

This article will enable all the Carrot Weather app users to find and locate the places that they were looking for hours to get the answer.

In This Article

Carrot Weather Secret Locations

Carrot Weather Secret Locations-Every Answer You Need to Know

The Carrot Weather secret locations in the application seem to be fun to play around with. The following are some of the steps to reach the secret locations on your smartphone.

  1. As you open the app interface, you will find the circular option in the top right corner of the phone. Click on it.
  2. Now, you will see three options: premium club, secret locations, and settings. Tap on the Secret Locations.
  3. After you tap on the secret location, you will see a global map, and a bot girl will ask you some questions in an amusing manner.
  4. Then, She will give you the first location by asking a query. You need to find the location on the global map and answer it.

This is how you will reach the Search locations; many have already found the search locations and are unable to find the answer. Here, I will help you to find the locations easily.

1. Find the U.S. President’s Official Residence

Find the U.S. president's official residence; Carrot Weather Secret Locations

Answer: The White House, Washington DC, New York.

2. Find The Last Surviving Wonder of The Ancient World

Find The Last Surviving Wonder of The Ancient World; Carrot Weather Secret Locations-

Answer: The Great Pyramid, Giza, Egypt.

3. Find The London Abbey Where Famous Corpses Rot

Find The London Abbey Where Famous Corpses Rot; Carrot Weather Secret Locations-Every Answer You Need to Know

Answer: Westminster Abbey, London, England.

4. Find The Tallest Building Tom Cruise Ever Scaled

Find The Tallest Building Tom Cruise Ever Scaled; Carrot Weather Secret Locations

Answer: Burj Khalifa, Dubai, United Arab Emirates.

5. Find the Headquarters of the Company that Vowed to do no Evil

Find the Headquarters of the Company that Vowed to do no Evil

Answer: Googleplex, Mountain View, CA.

6. Find the Museum That Made a Fortune Off of Dan Brown

Find the Museum That Made a Fortune Off of Dan Brown; All Carrot Weather Secret Locations Unlocked!!

Answer: The Louvre, Paris, France.

7. Find the Amphitheatre That Once Featured my Favorite Sport

Find the Amphitheatre That Once Featured my Favorite Sport; All Carrot Weather Secret Locations Unlocked!!

Answer: The Colosseum, Rome, Italy.

8. Find a Remote Incan Citadel

Find a Remote Incan Citadel; All Carrot Weather Secret Locations Unlocked!!

Answer: Machu Picchu, Cuzco, Peru.

9. Find the Departure Point for Oceanic Flight 815

Find the Departure Point for Oceanic Flight 815; All Carrot Weather Secret Locations Unlocked!!

Answer: Swan Station, The Island, Sydney, Australia.

10. Find the World’s Largest Waterfall

Find the World's Largest Waterfall; All Carrot Weather Secret Locations Unlocked!!

Answer: Victoria Falls, Livingstone, Zambia.

Tip: When you zoom into Livingstone, you’ll find many locations titled Victoria Falls, try to find the one that’s on the northeast.

11. Find the Island Named After the Mortal Enemy of Every Creationist

Answer: Darwin’s Arch, Darwin Island, Galapagos.

12. Find the Highest Peak in Japan

Find the Highest Peak in Japan; All Carrot Weather Secret Locations Unlocked!!

Answer: Mount Fuji, Honshu, Japan.

13. Find the Site of the Chernobyl Disaster

Find the site of the Chernobyl disaster; All Carrot Weather Secret Locations Unlocked!!

Answer: Chernobyl Power Plant, Pripyat, Ukraine.

14. Find the Wonder That Lit The Way

Answer: Lighthouse of Alexandria, Alexandria, Egypt.

15. Find a Big, Beautiful Border Wall

Answer: The Great Wall, Beijing, China.

16. Find a Really Big Jesus

Find a Really Big Jesus; All Carrot Weather Secret Locations Unlocked!!

Answer: Christ the Redeemer, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil.

17. Find Brent Spiner’s Secret UFO Research Facility

Find Brent Spiner's Secret UFO Research Facility; All Carrot Weather Secret Locations Unlocked!!

Note: As I locate all the secret locations, I will give you the exact info along with screenshots.

18. Find me Some Giant Stone Heads

Find me Some Giant Stone Heads; All Carrot Weather Secret Locations Unlocked!!

Answer: Moai Quarry, Easter Island.

19. Find a City Buried in Ash

Answer: Pompeii, Campania, Italy.

20. Find the Largest Base in Antarctica

Find the Largest Base in Antarctica; All Carrot Weather Secret Locations Unlocked!!

Answer: McMurdo Station, Ross Island, Antarctica.

21. Find Transportation to Outer Space

Find Transportation to Outer Space; All Secret Carrort Weather Locations Unlocked!

Answer: Apollo 11 Landing Site, Mare Tranquillitatis, The Moon.

22. Find the Mausoleum for the Man Who Gave Mausoleums Their Name

Find the Mausoleum for the Man Who Gave Mausoleums Their Name; All Carrot Weather Secret Locations Unlocked!!

Answer: Mausoleum at Halicarnassus, Halicarnassus, Turkey.

23. Find a Prehistoric Monster

Find a Prehistoric Monster; All Carrot Weather Secret Locations Unlocked!!

Answer: Lock News, Highland, Scotland.

24. Find the Spot Where Napolean Spent His Second Exile

Find the Spot Where Napolean Spent His Second Exile; All Carrot Weather Secret Locations Unlocked!!

Answer: Longwood House, Saint Helena.

25. Find the World’s Most Powerful Particle Accelerator

Find the World's Most Powerful Particle Accelerator; All Carrot Weather Secret Locations Unlocked!!

Answer: Large Hadron Collider, French-Swiss Border.

26. Find the Agency That’s in Your Phone, Reading Your Emails

Find the Agency That's in Your Phone, Reading Your Emails; All Carrot Weather Secret Locations Unlocked!!

Answer: NSA Headquarters, Fort Meade, MD.

27. Find an Island Overrun by Cats

Find an Island Overrun by Cats ; All Carrot Weather Secret Locations Unlocked!!

Answer: Cat Island, Aoshima, Japan.

28. Find a Colossal Statue Toppled by Earthquake

Find a Colossal Statue Toppled by Earthquake; All Carrot Weather Secret Locations Unlocked!!

Answer: Colossus of Rhodes, Rhodes, Greece.

29. Find a Naval Base Attacked by Japan

Find a Naval Base Attacked by Japan; All Carrot Weather Secret Locations Unlocked!!

Answer: Pearl Harbor, Honolulu, Hawaii.

30. Find a Spaceship That’s Being Used as a Corporate Headquarters

Find a Spaceship That's Being Used as a Corporate Headquarters; All Carrot Weather Secret Locations Unlocked!!

Answer: Apple Park, Cupertino, CA.

31. Find Asteroid That Wiped Out the Dinosaurs

Find Asteroid That Wiped Out the Dinosaurs; All Carrort Weather Secret Locations Unlocked

Answer: Chicxulub Crater, Yucatan, Mexico

32. Find the Winter White House

Find the Winter White House; All Carrot Weather Secret Locations Unlocked!!

Answer: Mar-a-Lago Estate, Palm Beach, Florida.

33. Find the Teardrop on the Cheek of Time

Find the Teardrop on the Cheek of Time; All Carrot Weather Secret Locations Unlocked!!

Answer: Taj Mahal, Agra, India.

34. Find the Beach Where the 50 Year Storm Made Landfall

Find the Beach Where the 50 Year Storm Made Landfall; All Carrot Weather Secret Locations Unlocked!!

Answer: Bells Beach, Victoria, Australia.

35. Find the Fort Goldfinger Failed to Nuke

Find the Fort Goldfinger Failed to Nuke; All Carrot Weather Secret Locations Unlocked!!

Answer: U.S. Bullion Depository, Fort Knox, KY, USA.

36. Find an Ancient Temple Blown Up by Ottoman Gunpowder

Find an Ancient Temple Blown Up by Ottoman Gunpowder; All Carrot Weather Secret Locations Unlocked!!

Answer: The Parthenon, Athens, Greece.

37. Find me Some Kompromat

Find me Some Kompromat; All Carrot Weather Secret Locations Unlocked!!

Answer: KGB Headquarters, Moscow, Russia.

38. Find the Once and Future Home of a Spiritual Leader

Find the Once and Future Home of a Spiritual Leader; All Carrot Weather Secret Locations Unlocked!!

Answer: Potala Palace, Lhasa, Tibet.

39. Find the Biggest Landmark in Canada

Find the Biggest Landmark in Canada; All Secret Carrot Weather Locations Unlocked!

Answer: Icy Wasteland, Canada.

40. Find a Hobbit Hole

Find a Hobbit Hole; All Carrot Weather Secret Locations Unlocked!!

Answer: Tourist Farm, Waikato, New Zealand.

41. Find the Battlefield Where the Romans Suffered a Humiliating Defeat

Find the Battlefield Where the Romans Suffered a Humiliating Defeat; All Carrot Weather Secret Locations Unlocked!!

Answer: Carrhae, Anatolia, Parthian Empire.

42. Find Little Rocket Man’s House

Find Little Rocket Man's House; All Carrot Weather Secret Locations Unlocked!!

Answer: Ryongsong Residence, Pyongyang, North Korea.

43. Find a Stonehenge Not Made of Stone

Find a Stonehenge Not Made of Stone; All Carrot Weather Secret Locations Unlocked!!

Answer: Carhenge, Alliance, Nebraska.

44. Find George Mallory’s Frozen Corpse

Find George Mallory's Frozen Corpse; All Carrot Weather Secret Locations Unlocked!!

Answer: Mount Everest, Himalayas, Nepal.

45. Find the Statue That Laughed at Caligula

Find the Statue That Laughed at Caligula; All Carrot Weather Secret Locations Unlocked!!

Answer: Statue of Zeus, Olympia, Greece.

46. Find a Greek Orthodox Chruch, an Ottoman Mosque, and a Museum

Find a Greek Orthodox Chruch, an Ottoman Mosque, and a Museum; All Carrot Weather Secret Locations Unlocked!!

Answer: Hagia Sophia, Istanbul Turkey.

47. Find the Capital of the Aztec Empire

Find the Capital of the Aztec Empire; All Carrot Weather Secret Locations Unlocked!!

Answer: Great Temple, Tenochtitlan, Aztec Empire.

48. Find a Ship Sunk by Mutineers

Find a Ship Sunk by Mutineers; All Carrot Weather Secret Locations Unlocked!!

Answer: Bounty Bay, Pitcairn Island.

49. Find a Supervolcano

Find a Supervolcano; All Carrot Weather Secret Locations Unlocked!!

Answer: Yellowstone Supervolcano, Yellowstone, WY.

50. Find the Lost Temple Dedicated to a Many-Breasted Goddess

Find the Lost Temple Dedicated to a Many-Breasted Goddess; All Carrot Weather Secret Locations Unlocked!!

Answer: Temple of Artemis, Ephesus, Turkey.

51. Find the Summer White House

Find the Summer White House; All Carrot Weather Secret Locations Unlocked!!

Answer: Trump National Golf Club, Bedminster, NJ.

52. Find the Entrance to the Underworld

Find the Entrance to the Underworld; All Carrot Weather Secret Locations Unlocked!!

Answer: Lake Cocytus, Ninth Circle of Hell. (It is a water body on the left side of Naples)

53. Find a Drug Kingpin’s Private Zoo

Find a Drug Kingpin's Private Zoo; All Carrot Weather Secret Locations Unlocked!!

Answer: Hacienda Napoles, Puerto Triunfo, Colombia.

54. Find the Battlefield Where English Longbows Won the Day

Find the Battlefield Where English Longbows Won the Day; All Carrot Weather Secret Locations Unlocked!!

Answer: Agincourt, Pas-de-Calais, France.

55. Find the Franklin Expedition

Find the Franklin Expedition; All Carrot Weather Secret Locations Unlocked!!

Answer: HMS Terror, Nunavut, Canada.

56. Find the Home of Luke’s Aunt and Uncle

Find the Home of Luke's Aunt and Uncle; All Carrot Weather Secret Locations Unlocked!!

Answer: Abandoned Set, Nefta, Tunisia.

57. Find the Mysterious Region That Swallows Ships and Airplanes Whole

Find the Mysterious Region That Swallows Ships and Airplanes Whole; All Carrot Weather Secret Locations Unlocked!!

Answer: Bermuda Triangle, North Atlantic Ocean.

58. Find the Spot Where Lucy’s Bones Were Dug Up

Find the Spot Where Lucy's Bones Were Dug Up; All Carrot Weather Secret Locations Unlocked!!

Answer: Archaeological Dig, Afar Depression, Ethiopia.

59. Find the Hanging Gardens

Find the Hanging Gardens; All Carrot Weather Secret Locations Unlocked!!

Answer: Hanging Gardens, Babylon, Babylonia.

60. Find the Place Where Kate Let Leo Freeze to Death

Find the Place Where Kate Let Leo Freeze to Death; All Carrot Weather Secret Locations Unlocked!!

Answer: PMS Titanic Wreck, North Atlantic Ocean.

You already know one can only find out only one secret location after the first day, so it will take at least 57 days to finish this article. I’m starting from 12-12-2022. Let’s see when it ends.

Wrapping Up

Here in this article, I tried to give all the answers on the Carrot Weather secret locations. Many people cannot find secret locations of their own because it takes a lot of time to find the right place, and you should be aware of all the locations to find the accurate spot. This app allows you to open up the 4 clues for the very first time, and then a clue will be unveiled to you each passing day. Comment down if you find the clue by yourself or if you are looking for content like this to get the answers.

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