Apeirophobia Scripts 2024 | Pastebin, V3rmillion, Instant Win, No Key!

Apeirophobia scripts

Apeirophobia is an interesting Roblox horror game that is designed to prompt fear and anxiety in players who dare to play. It challenges the player to face their deepest fears and crush them. But what if you need help doing it? For that reason, I bring to you the top Apeirophobia scripts!

Scripts are an essential part of any game’s development. Without scripts, a game would be lifeless and boring; that’s why I make sure to update and deliver awesome ones like MM2 Scripts (much in demand) and Fruit Warriors Scripts.

Apeirophobia scripts are used to create an immersive and terrifying experience for the player. In this article, let’s explore the best scripts to use in Apeirophobia and how they can make the game more exciting and challenging.

Apeirophobia Scripts | Apeirophobia Cheats & Hacks!

Looking for something to help you get an edge over other players in Apeirophobia? So use these free Roblox Apeirophobia scripts 2024 to boost your game now:

Apeirophobia scripts

1. Apeirophobia All 10 Levels Script

You can get the free Apeirophobia all 10 Levels Script below. Next, just copy and paste it to your executor.


2. Apeirophobia ESP & Instant Win Script

You can get the free Apeirophobia Esp & Instant Win Script below. Next, just copy and paste it to your executor.

Entity ESP:

local folder = game.Workspace.Entities

local function Destroyed(x)
if x.Parent then return false end
local _, result = pcall(function() x.Parent = x end)
return result:match(“locked”) and true or false

for i, v in pairs(folder:GetChildren()) do
if v.Name ~= “Studio” then
local gui = Instance.new(“BillboardGui”)
local tl = Instance.new(“TextLabel”)

gui.Parent = v
gui.AlwaysOnTop = true
gui.Size = UDim2.new(5,0, 3,0)
gui.StudsOffset = Vector3.new(0, 3, 0)

tl.Parent = gui
tl.Size = UDim2.new(1,0, 1,0)
tl.BackgroundTransparency = 1
tl.TextScaled = true
tl.TextColor3 = Color3.new(185, 0, 0)
tl.Text = v.Name

Exit ESP:

3. Apeirophobia Teleport Script

You can get the free Apeirophobia Teleport Script below. Next, just copy and paste it to your executor.

loadstring(game:HttpGet(“https://pastebin.com/raw/9b0sKdW4”, true))()

4. Apeirophobia Free ESP Script

You can get the free Apeirophobia Free Esp Script below. Next, just copy and paste it to your executor.

5. Apeirophobia Monster ESP Script

You can get the free Apeirophobia Monster Esp Script below. Next, just copy and paste it to your executor.


6. Apeirophobia Instant Win Script

You can get the free Apeirophobia Free Instant Win Script below. Next, just copy and paste it to your executor.

Pastebin Apeirophobia Scripts | Pastebin Cheats & Hacks!

Apeirophobia scripts

Downloading and installing Pastebin scripts is a relatively easy process. So here are some free Roblox Pastebin Apeirophobia scripts in 2024 to boost your game now:

1. Pastebin Apeirophobia Script #1

You can get the free Apeirophobia script from Pastebin below. Next, just copy and paste it to your executor.


2. Pastebin FE Apeirophobia Script

You can get the free Apeirophobia FE script from Pastebin below. Next, just copy and paste it to your executor.


3. Pastebin Apeirophobia Script #3

You can get the free Apeirophobia script from Pastebin below. Next, just copy and paste it to your executor.

loadstring(game:HttpGet(“https://pastebin.com/raw/Gsqd40fL”, true))()

4. Pastebin Apeirophobia Script #4

You can get the free Apeirophobia script from Pastebin below. Next, just copy and paste it to your executor.


V3rmillion Apeirophobia Scripts | V3rmillion Cheats & Hacks!

Apeirophobia scripts

Downloading and installing V3rmillion scripts is a relatively easy process. So here are some free Roblox Apeirophobia V3rmillion scripts in 2024 to boost your game now:

1. Apeirophobia Update 2 Script (Synapse X)

You can get the free Apeirophobia Update 2 V3rmillion script below. Next, just copy and paste it to your executor.


2. Apeirophobia Infinite Fly/Noclip Script

You can get the free Apeirophobia Infinite Fly/Noclip V3rmillion script below. Next, just copy and paste it to your executor.

local folder = game.Workspace.Entities

local function Destroyed(x)
if x.Parent then return false end
local _, result = pcall(function() x.Parent = x end)
return result:match(“locked”) and true or false

for i, v in pairs(folder:GetChildren()) do
if v.Name ~= “Studio” then
local gui = Instance.new(“BillboardGui”)
local tl = Instance.new(“TextLabel”)

gui.Parent = v
gui.AlwaysOnTop = true
gui.Size = UDim2.new(5,0, 3,0)
gui.StudsOffset = Vector3.new(0, 3, 0)

tl.Parent = gui
tl.Size = UDim2.new(1,0, 1,0)
tl.BackgroundTransparency = 1
tl.TextScaled = true
tl.TextColor3 = Color3.new(185, 0, 0)
tl.Text = v.Name

3. Apeirophobia Simulation Cores ESP Script

You can get the free Apeirophobia Simulation Cores ESP V3rmillion script below. Next, just copy and paste it to your executor.

local folder = game.Workspace.Ignored.Trophies

local function Destroyed(x)
if x.Parent then return false end
local _, result = pcall(function() x.Parent = x end)
return result:match(“locked”) and true or false
for _, v in pairs(folder:GetChildren()) do
local gui = Instance.new(“BillboardGui”)
local tl = Instance.new(“TextLabel”)

gui.Parent = v
gui.AlwaysOnTop = true
gui.Size = UDim2.new(5,0, 3,0)
gui.StudsOffset = Vector3.new(0, 3, 0)

tl.Parent = gui
tl.Size = UDim2.new(1,0, 1,0)
tl.BackgroundTransparency = 1
tl.TextScaled = true
tl.TextColor3 = Color3.new(0, 20, 255)
tl.Text = “S. Core”

if Destroyed(v) == true then

4. Apeirophobia God Mode

This Apeirophobia script makes you indestructible, meaning you won’t take damage from monsters or traps at all. It’s the perfect option for you if you want to explore the game without having to worry about dying.

5. Apeirophobia Infinite Jump

This script allows you to jump infinitely, which can come to your rescue when you need to steer through obstructions fast. With this script, you can jump higher and farther than usual, giving you an edge over other players.

Additional Apeirophobia Scripts | By Path of EX!

Apeirophobia scripts

Want more scripts? Here are some more working free 2024 Roblox Apeirophobia scripts by Path of EX that you can try today:

Apeirophobia Infinite Stamina GUI Script

You can get the free Apeirophobia free GUI Script below. Next, just copy and paste it to your executor.

getgenv().Key = “key_here”;


  1. Infinite Stamina
  2. Auto-Complete Level
  3. No Drowning
  4. No Jumpscares
  5. Click Teleport
  6. ESP (Items, Monsters, Exits)
  7. Change Sprint Speed

How to Execute Roblox Apeirophobia Scripts?

Apeirophobia scripts

To execute the script to make the best of Roblox Apeirophobia scripts and hacks, you need to know the right steps to follow. Here are the steps to execute Roblox Apeirophobia scripts:

  1. Make sure you have an exploit or executor (I’ve listed the recommended exploits for Roblox games below)
  2. Open the game and begin playing as you like.
  3. Launch your Executor/Exploit.
  4. Paste the Apeirophobia Roblox script you want.
  5. Click on Execute or Inject.

That’s it!

Recommended Exploits for Roblox Games:

To execute the scripts, you need an exploit or an executor. Here is a list of the most recommended executors or exploits for Roblox scripts:

  1. Krnl Executor
  2. JJ Spoilt Executor
  3. Android Arceus X Executor
  4. Evon Executor
  5. Fluxus Executor
  6. Delta Executor
  7. Ducky Sploit Executor

Also, Look At Other Amazing Pastebin Hacks and Roblox Scripts:

Wrapping Up

So that’s a wrap on the Apeirophobia scripts for now. Have questions or suggestions? Comment to give me feedback, and let me know which scripts you’re going to use the most!

Happy Gaming!

Frequently Asked Questions

Q1. Are These Apeirophobia Scripts Legal to Use in the Game?

Yes, these scripts are legal to use in the Apeirophobia game because they do not violate any game rules or policies.

Q2. Can Scripts Make Apeirophobia More Challenging?

No. In fact, they’ll make your gameplay easier and more interesting!

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